Anyone buy Houdini: 101 Interface and workflow?

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If so how was it. I just bought my copy and they charged me $17.70 for 2 day air to TX. I think someone is making some cash off that deal. I really really hope they go into detail about the cover art. Thats the main reason I bought it. That looks like it can be a cool effect if animated or really even as a still image that looks bad ass. Its also the last thing in the dvd they cover.
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watched it - it's a great overview.
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Yes Garman explains pretty well how he made the cover art. Can't recall if it is animated but after his lessons you should be able to do it yourself
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Yep I would recommend it. Garman is great.
That and Craig's Rigid Body DVD also
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Is the G workshop working on more dvd's i wonder maybe make as many as there maya? They could make a killing off me. I would buy each and everyone. I worked out the math and it would be 3,600 bux for all the maya dvds. I hope they keep making them and faster too.
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No after Craig's one no more dvd's were released. CMI took over. Seems 3DBuzz is going to release something, sometime, somewhere to someone and Digital Tutors is working on some new material too.
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Thank you. The G shop is missing out to bad. CMI? Well I don't really put much hope into there A-Z training because I asked chris to do the pix fly effect in D.F you know the one that was one in flame. I asked for this for 2 years still no tut on how to do it. So it looks like DT for me. I watched one of there videos and have QT pro yet i can not save the quick time file. FAIL
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for more on this see my current post at []
Its relevant, although you may already be watching that thread.
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Garman does go into detail about the cover art, and he teaches you how to recreate it step-by-step. Towards the start of the training, and then again in more detail at the very end.

You get the .HIP file as well, but you don't get a copy of the video file he uses on the cover. Probably a file space or copyright issue. The file has animated text to stand in it's place if I remember correctly.
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We bought all the DVDs from CMI, and they are really great, all the 5 DVDs.
daniel bukovec | senior fx td | weta digital
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If you're happy with the Houdini 101 DVD, go to Garman's web site,, and you'll see he has a whole bunch of online courses he's created for Houdini. He's an amazing teacher (and cg artist). He's here in Beijing now, working with my company for a few weeks, and there are plans to expand his online school and offer more courses. His students are worldwide now, with some here in China, in Mexico, Japan, Korea, Europe. He provides forums for the students to ‘assist’ one another and critique their work. It's a pretty great package.

One warning; the 101 DVD was based on H8, and there are some changes to H9, but those should be easy to figure out once you have the hang of things from the 101 DVD. We used it here to train my staff, and it was the spark that got my company into Houdini (they had all been Maya instructors b4 I made them switch…).

Good luck. Check out Vizyacky if you have the chance…
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WOW, I tracked the PKG and it said tomorrow (friday) but it is here after ONE day. I have no idea why i am online i am offline to watch this dvd right now. I will give my review in a few hours hot damn this is so cool.
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how do you pause rewind? it opens in its own window

also does this error matter?

untitled.JPG (140.7 KB)

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If you have this DVD how do you pause/rewind/STOP the video? Its not a DVD they have it encoded to like a exe file or some shit i guess to make it harder to copy there stuff but I have hit every key on the keyboard to stop play or rewind and its a no go. Man, if you can't stop and rewind to see what the person on the dvd is doing wow just wow that sucks ass.

The dvd kicks butt tho. The guy is funny and does go into detail from what i have seen in the 2 chaptures. Very funny. Is there a way to change the interface back to 8 to i can learn alittle better?
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one of the problems was sloved. show hidden file and folders then i can go into the dvd and play them in quick time. SWEET.
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Don't bother with these warning. In 99.9% they have no meaning to you. It's just a scene's version inconsistence that doesn't harm Houdini.

As to rolling back GUI, remember that can alway download and install Houdini 8.2 - although it's not recommended. Better stick to H9 and get familiar to it. You will have one problem instead of two .

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there is a post in Jeff's blog about “tuning” H9 interface parameters to work
like H8.
it is []
this one
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Garman has released 4 DVDs thru VizyAcky - []

Re the shipping - 2 day air is expensive regardless of the seller. You have to take it to the Gnomon Workshop, btw.
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Houdini 101 problem Lecture_07

Timeline as follows


Acky goes into cops.

I can not find cops so I tab over Composite view(I guess this is cops?) I click help/search “cop” found nothing that says what a cop is how to start a new cop. I guess cops=composite view?

I do:


I get the following in the upper right window:

File: CDOCUME~1/Henery/Desktop/Test_image.jpg

There is no input options defined for the jpeg format

File node nameing User defined


Acky adds the following nodes. Brightness,contrast,transform (scale) nodes. I do the same


Aky some how scales the image up by clicking on the scale button. Does not work for me. I do it by hand 1.5 1.5


Aky says his images are “padded” He clicks the first image again.

The last part of the file line reads



Acky changes the line to read


He also hits Alt + E to bring up the edit window. That does not work for me.

I add the test_image.`padzero(4,$F)`.jpg to my image file and all i get is some fucking red lines through the node. I take it the so called ticks that he talks about is the key before the 1 key? ` that is a tick shift + tick key is ~

I have more problems @ 00:07:31

But thats like a whole new topic really.

I wish i could just load the damn hip file he used replace his image with mine but damn it i can't even find it on the dvd. So many problems I am having. He does not go into the detail that i need. Click the button this is how I did this and that. If you have been useing H8/9 sure but for noobies like me. Its fucking hard. I thinks its because he is working in H8 and I am in H9.

problems.JPG (143.2 KB)

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Is there someone i can call? acky is not in the usa right now. Even if its someone on the board or can I pm someone that will help me. Maybe trade the DVD for help?
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