Houdini 20.5 Nodes TOP nodes

Attribute Copy TOP node

Copies attributes from work items in one branch onto work items in another branch.

On this page
Since 17.5

This node has two inputs. It looks for work items in the second input that match items in the first input. The node can match items by position (index) or shared attribute value. Then when the node generates outgoing tasks for the work items that match up, it copies a list of attributes from the work items in the second input onto the work items in the first input. If Exclude Unmatched Items is turned on, then any work items from the first input that do not match items in the second input are discarded.

Alternatively, you also have the option of not supplying a second input and just passing through the source work items unmodified.


Cook Source Items Before Copying

When this toggle is enabled, attributes are copied from the source items only after the work items are cooked. This is useful when copying output files producing during the cook, for example.

Copy Attributes from All Work Items

When this toggle is enabled, the attributes from all work items on the second input will be copied onto each of the work items on the first input. No Match By condition is used to filter the work items.

Match By

Whether to match by index value (roughly, match by position) or by an attribute.

Match Name

When Match by is “Attribute”, the name of the attribute to use to match up work items (items in the second input will match items in the first input that have the same value of this attribute).

Match Type

When Match by is “Attribute”, the type of the attribute to match (Integer, Float, or String).

Excluded Unmatched Items

When this is on, items from the first input are only passed down to the output if they matched. Items that didn’t match an item in the second input are filtered out. (Items are never passed down from the second input.)

Attributes to Copy

A space-separated list of names/patterns describing which attributes to copy from items in the second input onto items in the first input. The default is * (copy all attributes).

For example, you could set this to foo bar baz to only copy those three attributes, or file_* to only copy attributes whose names start with file_. See the Attribute Pattern Syntax documentation for more details.

Copy Output Files

When this is on, also copy output filenames onto the items in the first input.


CopyAttributes Example for Attribute Copy TOP node

This example demonstrates how to copy attributes from one workitem to another.

See also

TOP nodes