Houdini 20.5 Nodes TOP nodes

File Remove TOP node

Deletes a file at a specified path.

On this page
Since 17.5


You may want to avoid using destructive file operations such as move/rename and remove. They can make files appear to be missing, triggering the dependency system to do extra work. They can also make it harder to debug the network after it runs if intermediate files are not where they were.


Remove During



How do decide what file(s) to delete:

Custom File Path

Set the path to the file to delete in the File Path parameter.

Upstream Output Files

Delete any file paths in the output attributes of incoming work items if they have the given file tag.

File Path

When File is “Custom File Path”, the path to the file to delete.

File Tag

When File is “Upstream Output Files”, delete paths in the output attributes of incoming work items if they have this file tag.


Set Output To

Sets the outputs for the node’s work items.

All Input Files

All inputs of the work item will be copied to its outputs.

Deleted Files

Files that are deleted by the node will be set as outputs on the work item.

Extant Input Files

All inputs of the work item that are not deleted by the node will be set as outputs on the work item.


No output files are added to the node

Ignore Errors

If this is off (the default), the node continues even if trying to remove a file causes an error (for example, if the file path does not exist). If this is on, if trying to remove a file causes an error, the node will error.

Dry Run

Turn this on to prevent the node from actually deleting any files. This is useful for testing what will be deleted. Turn on Set Deleted Files as Output so you can see the files that would have been deleted in the output attributes of the outgoing work items.


example_top_fileremove Example for File Remove TOP node

This example demonstrates how to remove a file using the Remove File node.

TOP nodes