Houdini 20.5 Nodes TOP nodes

Labs Archive Project 1.0 TOP node

Utility TOP to Collect and Archive current HIP file dependencies

The Archive Project TOP node attempts to collect all, if not, most external file dependencies. It essentially facilitates cherry-picking external dependencies from a list.

Additionally, it changes target parameters to reflect updated file paths and generates a report of files, scene meta-data and environment information.


Archive Project copies file dependencies into a file/folder structure illustrated as follows. archive_destination/project_name/asset_type/parent_node_name/file_name

(Similar to standard Houdini Project Structure)



Scan HIP for Dependencies

Scan scene file and collect all dependencies.

This will also engage the Assets List menu below where you can review and edit assets that are associated with the hip file and prepare them for archiving.


Execute the archiving process.

Copies all the assets that’s been collected. Review the Assets Menu for information on what assets are being archived.


If the Archive button is greyed out, some internal dependencies need to be updated. The Refresh List button will be enabled simultaneously. Press Refresh List update dependencies to re-enable the Archive button.

Generate Report

Enable to generate a JSON file with a description of dependencies


Project Name

Name of parent folder to archive to. Usually this would be the name of the project.

Archive Destination

Location on disk to collect files.


Estimated Archive Size

Approximation of archive size.

Assets to Scan


Scan for alembics.


Scan for usd references.


Scan for Houdini Geometry.


Scan for images and textures.


Scan for HDAs and OTLs.


Scan for other dependencies that are not standard Houdini files.

Additional Scan Configuration

Ignore Sequences

Scan ignores Dependencies with '$F*' sequences.

Useful if you need only single frame references and not full sequences caches.

Ignore Extensions

Scan ignores a list of extensions to be included. The list needs to space separated.

eg. .json .py .exr

Extension List

Space Separated list of extensions.

Ignore @attrib calls

Scan ignores @pdg_attrib calls.

This is to make sure that no undesirable pdg attributes will muddle the scan. PDG attributes need to be evaluated for it to be considered a candidate for archiving anyway.


Refresh List

Update Asset list and internal scripts.

When certain parameters are changed, it requires an update to the list of assets along with some internal dependencies to reflect these new changes. For the sake of optimization (so that every action does not trigger a chain of processes), the update is a manual operation tied to this button.


This button will enable itself automatically, if it detects the need for an internal update. Simultaneously, it will also disable the Archive button, so that it does not engage unless the internal update is performed.

Edit List

Enables the option to populate Asset List for review and edit.

Asset List


Parameter that houses the path to the asset.

File Path

Path to the asset on disk.


Type of the asset.


Estimated file size of the asset.

Configure Archive


Report File Name

Name of the JSON file to store the Archive Summary

Generate Report Only

Collect References and Generate a Report.


Like the names suggests, it ONLY generates a report.

Skips all the bells and whistles of the Archive Tab and generates report of the file dependencies and other meta-data(from options below).

Include Assets

Include report of list of assets.

Include HIP Metadata

Include report of current hipfile metadata.


HIP metadata includes Houdini build and version, OS build, date and time of hip file edits etc.

Include Environment

Include report of Houdini Environment. Also includes packages.

Add Note

Add a user-defined note to the report.

Archive Subpath

You can change the paths to which collected assets need to be copied to.

Update Paths

Internally updates paths to reflect changes from the options below.


Path for alembics.


Path for usd references.


Path for Houdini Geometry.


Path for images and textures.


Path for HDAs and OTLs.


Path for Misc files.


Change Parameter Paths on Archived HIP file

If enabled, it changes parameters to reflect new paths of the dependencies.

The script attempts to make all file paths relative to $HIP. This ensures no missing dependencies, if the files have been archived, when the scene is opened again in another system or file location.


Archive Project works as a standard TOP node and does not require engaging with the Scan HIP for Dependencies and Archive buttons to function. These methods are however required if the user wants to be able to pick and choose from the Asset List menu and minor utility display information associated with the node’s UI. Right Click ▸ Generate Node a vanilla Archive Project TOP to see how that works.

TOP nodes