Houdini 20.5 Nodes TOP nodes

Labs File Cache Filter 1.0 TOP node

Partition work items used for file caching

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This node is mostly used as a basic building block for TOP Labs File Cache node, and used to filter work items on different cache types.

Cache Types

This node differentiates between two distinctive cache types based on frame and range top attributes:

  • Time Independent / Static Geometry / Model

    To...Do this

    To create a Time Independent work item

    1. Create a Range Generate node.

    2. Set all three components of the Value Range parameter to 1. This will set both the frame and the range attribute on the work item to 1.

  • Time Dependent / Geometry Sequence

    To...Do this

    To create a Time Dependent work item

    1. Create a Range Generate node.

    2. Make sure the first and second values of Value Range parameter are not the same. This will give you multiple work items with the same range, but each with different frame number.

Additionally, each of these cache types can be wedged, in which case top wedge attributes such as wedgeindex, wedgenum, wedgetotal, wedgecount must exist on the work items.



Filter Mode

Sets how to filter work items for the output.

Split Items

Splits the work items between the left and the right output, based on if they are filtered or not.

Create Attribute

Do not split the work items, but insted only an attribute, called filter, that can be used later to process work items. Use only the first output of the node in this case.

Filter Non Selected

Reverses the selection of the filtered work items.

Filter Subframes

Removes any subframes, frames that are not landing on integer values, from the Time Dependent work items.

Time Independent

Filter Time Independet

Filter work items that are static. Time Independent work items have their frame and range attribute values are all set to 1.

Time Dependent

Filter Time Dependent

Filter work items that are in a sequence. Time Dependent work items have a range attribute that is not set to 1 for all components, and for each work item in the sequence has a different frame number.

Filter by

Selects the frames in the sequence to filter.

All Frames

All the frames are selected.

Single Frame

The current frame is selected.

Frame Range

Frames in the given range will be selected. When working with substeps, make sure the 3rd component of the Frame Range parameter is set to the right substep, otherwise some work items might not be selected.

Specific Frames

Sets the wedge values by a list of independent range sequences or numbers. The listings can be separated by whitespace, commas and semi-colons. Use the syntax min-max:stepsize, which expands to values between min and max, separated by stepsize. When stepsize is not provided, the default value of 1 is used.

Override Frame

When Filter by is set to Single Frame and the checkbox to the left is on, cache this explicit frame number instead of the current frame from the timeline.

Frame Range

Sets the minimum and maximum valus with the range, along with the stepsize.

List of Frames

Sets the frame values by a list of independent range sequences or numbers. The listings can be separated by whitespace, commas and semi-colons. Use the syntax min-max:stepsize, which expands to values between min and max, separated by stepsize. When stepsize is not provided, the default value of 1 is used.

Value List

Expanded Values



3;5 7

3.0, 5.0, 7.0


1.0, 2.0, 3.0


0.0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1.0

0-1:0.25 5; 8-12:2

0.0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1.0, 5.0, 8.0, 10.0, 12.0


Filter by Wedge

Filter work items that has wedge attributes present (wedgeindex, wedgenum, wedgetotal, wedgecount).

Filter by

Selects the wedges to filter.

All Wedges

Select all existing wedges.

Single Wedge

Select a single wedge (given by Single Wedge).

Custom Range

Wedges in the given range will be selected.

Specific Wedges

Sets the wedge values by a list of independent range sequences or numbers. Use the syntax min-max:stepsize, which expands to values between min and max, separated by stepsize. When stepsize is not provided, the default value of 1 is used. In case of wedging, the wedge numbers are always integer values, so stepsize should not be used.

Single Wedge

Sets the wedge number to select

Wedge Range

Sets the minimum and maximum range of the selected wedge values.

List of Wedges

Sets the wedge values by a list of independent range sequences or numbers. The listings can be separated by whitespace, commas and semi-colons. Use the syntax min-max:stepsize, which expands to values between min and max, separated by stepsize. When stepsize is not provided, the default value of 1 is used. In case of wedging, the wedge numbers are always integer values, so stepsize should not be used.

Value List

Expanded Values



3;5 7

3.0, 5.0, 7.0


1.0, 2.0, 3.0


0.0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1.0

0-1:0.25 5; 8-12:2

0.0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1.0, 5.0, 8.0, 10.0, 12.0

See also

TOP nodes