Houdini 20.5 Nodes Copernicus nodes

Extrapolate Boundaries Copernicus node

Fills empty areas of an image using colors at the edges of non-empty areas.

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This operation extends a layer from the inside of a fill area into the outside. This is done by copying the pixels outwards. Uncopied pixels in the outside can then be reset to black, filled smoothly, or left unchanged.

This is commonly done to ensure that there is a bleed around texture maps to avoid mip-mapping from bringing black values into the sampled region.

Note if your source layer is RGBA, you probably want to use RGBA to RGB COP to split the alpha out prior to applying this operation. The alpha will often define the fillarea and the RGB the source.



The layer type that the source accepts.

See Signatures for more information.


How to set pixels beyond the edge padding.


The pixels are left unchanged.


The pixels are set to black (0).

Diffuse Fill

A Smooth Fill COP is run over the region, smoothly interpolating the pixel values.

Inner Side

Determines which side of the fillarea input is considered the inside.

Below Threshold

Values below this threshold are the inside of the source.

White regions of the fillarea will be filled.

Above Threshold

Values above this threshold are the inside of the soruce.

Black regions of the fillarea will be filled.


The value to switch between inside and outside in the fillarea input.

Edge Padding

The distance to directly copy pixel values into the exterior, specified in image coordinates.

Edge Offset

When reading the original value to copy outswards for edge padding, the value exactly at the edge padding may already have some exterior color incoporated. This is the distance, in image coordinates, to backtrack to read clean values for extrapolation.



A Mono, UV, RGB, or RGBA layer to extroplate.


A Mono layer specifying where the interior is. It will extrapolate then into the exterior.


An optional per-pixel mask amount that’s scaled by the Mask parameter.



The source extrapolated into the exterior.

See also

Copernicus nodes