This node sets a mask attribute based on whether a particle is occluded from geometry. To do this, it performs a raycast from each particle in specified direction attribute. If there is a hit within the distance specified by Max Distance, then the mask is set according to Distance Falloff evaluated at the hit distance.
パラメータ ¶
このノードを有効/無効にします。この値が0より大きい時のみノードがアクティブになります。 これは、エクスプレッションでノードの効果を制御するのに役に立ちます。
現行ストリーム内のすべてのポイントからポイントグループ(例えば、Group POPやCollision Detection POPで作成) にのみ影響を与えます。
Parameters ¶
Geometry Source
SOP Path パラメータで指定したSOPを使用します。
DOP Objects
First Context Geometry
Second Context Geometry
Third Context Geometry
Fourth Context Geometry
SOP Path
SOPまでのパス( Geometry Source が SOP に設定されている時)。
DOP Objects
DOPオブジェクトの名前( Geometry Source が DOP Objects に設定されている時)。
Shadow Mask
This attribute is set to the ray hit distance from the particle, after mapping through the Distance Falloff ramp.
In wind shadowing, this value is typically 1
, indicating that the particle is fully occluded from the wind, with the value falling off towards 0
as it gets farther from the geometry blocking the wind.
Shadowed Velocity
If the ray hits, this attribute is set to the velocity of the point on the object that was hit. Otherwise, this is unchanged.
This is used in wind shadowing to determine the velocity the particle should have when it is in shadow.
Shadow Hit Distance
This attribute is set to the distance that the ray hit on the Collision Geometry.
Affect Existing Mask
How to combine the new mask with any existing wind shadow mask.
The old mask is cleared out and replaced by the new one.
The distance attribute is used to keep the mask and velocity value of whichever is closest.
Ray Direction
The direction in which to perform the raycast.
In the opposite direction of the backward direction attribute.
In the same direction as forward direction attribute.
The forward direction attribute has the backward attribute subtracted from it, and that is the ray cast direction.
Backwards Direction
The ray is sent in the opposite direction of this attribute.
Forward Direction
The ray is sent in the direction of this attribute.
Mask Amount
Scale the final mask value by this. A value of zero disables the update.
Max Distance
The maximum distance to check for occlusions.
Ray Bias
The distance to offset the ray from the particle. This is used to avoid self intersections if the node is used for self wind shadow.
Shadow Angle
The spread to send shadow rays. A value of 90
will sample the full hemisphere, and a value of 180
will send rays in all directions.
Shadow Samples
Number of samples to send randomly within the cone angle. If the cone angle is zero, only one sample will be taken.
Distance Falloff
This ramp maps the distance of the particle to the to the output value of the mask.
Bindings ¶
The name of the simulation data to apply the POP node to. This is commonly Geometry, but POP Networks can be designed to apply to different geometry.
See also |