Houdini 20.5 Nodes Dynamics nodes

Agent Arcing Clip Layer dynamics node

Blends between a set of animation clips based on the agent’s turn rate.

Since 16.5

This node blends between a set of animation clips based on the agent’s turn rate (the agentturnrate point attribute). A common use case is to blend between variants of the agent’s base cycle where the character is turning to the left or right. This allows for more realistic motion when turning (such as leaning for quadrupeds) compared to only adjusting the agent’s orientation. Typically, this node should be wired before any other Agent Clip Layer DOPs in the state so that the clips are blended with the agent’s base pose.


Since the clip blending is based on the agent’s turn rate, it is important that the turn rate changes smoothly to avoid sudden changes to the agent’s pose. The crowd solver’s turn acceleration parameters can be useful to achieve smoother turning.



Only affect a group of agents out of all the agents in the state.


Specifies the number of clips.

Clip Name

The name of an animation clip.

Turn Direction

Specifies whether the character is turning to the left or right in the clip.


Specifies the turning radius in the clip.

See also

Dynamics nodes