Houdini 20.5 Nodes Dynamics nodes

Gas Temperature Update dynamics node

Modifies the temperature of a FLIP over time.

Since 15.0

This node can modify the temperature of a FLIP fluid globally and diffuse temperatures within the simulation.

It optionally updates viscosity and/or density based on temperature.




Enable Cooling

Causes temperature to reduce globally over time, as controlled by the parameters below.

Outer Cooling Rate

The rate of cooling at the surface of the fluid.

A value of 0.5 means 50% cooling after 1/24th of a second (1 frame at 24fps).

Inner Cooling Rate

The rate of cooling in the interior of the fluid. Falloff Distance controls at which distance from the surface this is applied.

A value of 0.5 means 50% cooling after 1/24th of a second (1 frame at 24fps).

Falloff Distance

The distance at which Inner Cooling Rate is applied. Outer Cooling Rate is used at the surface, and a blend of the two between the surface and the Falloff Distance.

Falloff Decay

Values above 1.0 cause more of the Inner Cooling Rate to be applied in the region between the surface and the Falloff Distance.

Temperature Diffusion

Enable Temperature Diffusion

Diffuse temperatures over time, causing hot regions to blend into cold regions and vice versa. For example, this will cause cooling at the surface of the fluid to spread into the interior.


The diffusion radius in world units.

Heat Bias

The rate at which hotter areas will spread into colder areas due to diffusion.

Cold Bias

The rate at which colder areas will spread into hotter areas due to diffusion.

Temperature To Viscosity

Map Temperature to Viscosity

Tie the viscosity of the fluid to it’s temperature. Using the default settings, hotter fluid will flow more freely while colder fluid will be more viscous and eventually transition to nearly rigid behavior at a temperature of 0.0.

Minimum Viscosity

The lowest viscosity value the fluid will reach when heated to a temperature of 1.0.

Maximum Viscosity

The highest viscosity value the fluid will reach when cooled to a temperature of 0.0.

Solidify Threshold

Regions of the fluid with a temperature below this threshold will receive a boost in viscosity. This results in highly viscous, nearly rigid behavior.

Ramp Remap

Enables the Temperature to Viscosity ramp below.

Temperature to Viscosity

This ramp can be used to control how temperatures between 0.0-1.0 are mapped to the Min/Max Viscosity range.


Map Temperature To Density

Tie the density of the fluid to its temperature.

Temperature Range

The range of temperatures to map to density.

Density Range

The range of densities to map to.


Lava Temperature Field

Name of the temporary field used by Temperature Diffusion.

Surface Field

The name of the fluid’s surface field.


The name of the fluid’s particle geometry.

Dynamics nodes