Houdini 20.5 Nodes VOP nodes

Block Begin For VOP node

Marks the start of a for loop block.

Since 14.5

The Block Begin node is a for loop begin node. It takes as inputs the number of iterations to perform. The second output becomes the current iteration number, starting from 0 and going to length-1.


The block nodes are usually implicitly put down with the higher level For Loop, For-Each Loop, While Loop tools.


Paired Block

A path to the paired block forming a begin/end block pair. Both nodes must be in the same network. Nodes wired between the pair are enclosed in a convex hull and are placed inside a code block. Depending on the types of the begin and end blocks, different control flow can be done on the block.

Number of Outputs

By default an output is generated for each input. This allows the specification of extra outputs. If no input wire is present, the value is assumed to be 0 and the type must be specified.

The outputs of an End block are paired with the outputs of the Begin block. If no names are present, the pairing is done in order. If names are present, they are paired by name.

See also

VOP nodes