Houdini 20.5 Nodes VOP nodes

Relative to Point Bounding Box VOP node

Returns the relative position of the point given with respect to the bounding box of the specified geometry.

Since 14.0

This operator returns the relative position of the point given with with respect to the bounding box of the specified geometry.

If no position is given, the global P variable will be used instead. In some contexts this may be an error if no such variable has been bound.

If no file is given, the first input is used where applicable.

Because this uses point bounding boxes, the group is a point group.


The op:/ syntax can be used to refer to a SOP operator rather than a file on disk.


The file on disk to find the relative bounding box location in.

Point Group

The subset of points to use for computing the bounding box. Uses SOP-style syntax, so an empty string means all points, and adhoc groups such as 0-10 and @Cd.x>0 can be used.

See also

VOP nodes