Houdini 20.5 Nodes VOP nodes

Karma Light Filter Gobo VOP node

Karma Light Filter that projects the light source through a texture.

On this page
Since 19.5


A light filter prim can be assigned to a light to modify the light rays sent by the light. See Karma light filters for more information.

This filter projects the light through a texture.

Tips and notes

  • If the light has a Cone Angle less than 90, this filter uses the cone angle as the field of view of the projected map. Otherwise the filter uses a field of view of 45 degrees.

  • Use the U Scale, V Scale, U Offset, V Offset parameters to scale and position the texture in the light’s projection space.



Texture to place in front of light source.

Wrap Mode

Whether the map should repeat, streak its edges or be projected as a decal.

Border Color

Color to use outside the decal projection.


Multiply the resulting color by this tint.


Scales the intensity of the light source.


Adjusts the exposure of the light source.

Diffuse Scale

A multiplier for the diffuse contribution of the light source.

Specular Scale

A multiplier for the specular contribution of the light source.

U Scale

Scale the horizontal field of view of the projection by this amount.

V Scale

Scale the vertical field of view of the projection by this amount.

U Offset

Offset the projection by this amount in the horizontal direction.

V Offset

Offset the projection by this amount in the vertical direction.


Amount of tinting from the texture evaluation where 0 is no effect and 1 is full effect.

Invert Color

Invert the color (prior to tinting and exposure scaling).


Blur the projected texture by this amount.

See also

VOP nodes