Houdini 20.5 Nodes VOP nodes

Karma Room Lens VOP node

Generates an interior room map

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Since 20.0


This is a lens shader component that bakes an interior room map for use with the Karma Room Map VOP. The map’s layout fulfills the requirements of the Karma Room Map VOP.

A baking process consists of two rendering passes:

  • Room walls (Back Wall, Left Wall, Right Wall, Ceiling, Floor).

  • Props like furniture, plants, or lamps are baked to slices (Slice 1-4).

Both, walls and props, should be merged together into a single map through Houdini’s COPs.


X Min

Minimal X coordinate of the room you want to bake.

X Max

Maximum X coordinate of the room you want to bake.

Y Min

Minimal Y coordinate of the room you want to bake.

Y Max

Maximum Y coordinate of the room you want to bake.

Z Min

Minimal Z coordinate of the room you want to bake. This value also defines the camera’s Z position: we recommend setting the camera’s Z position exactly to the point where the window is located.

Z Max

Maximum Y coordinate of the room you want to bake. This value should be equal to an actual distance between the window, where the camera is set, and the opposite wall.

Bake Mode

Choose whether you want to use Bake Box or Bake Slice.

Slice Cuts

Slice Fov

Controls the slices' perspective distortion and helps to evaluate how interior props look in side view.

Slice Z Max

Controls the slices' perspective distortion and helps to evaluate how interior props look in side view. Shift the camera position from zero in negative direction to capture blinds and curtains.

Slice Cut 1

This parameter replaces the near/far clipping plane ranges. For slice 1, the near clipping plane is the camera’s position and the far clipping plane is Slice Cut 1. The far clipping plane for slice 4 lies in infinity and isn’t exposed as a parameter.

Slice Cut 2

This parameter replaces the near/far clipping plane ranges. For slice 2, the near clipping plane is Slice Cut 1 and the far clipping plane is Slice Cut 2. The far clipping plane for slice 4 lies in infinity and isn’t exposed as a parameter.

Slice Cut 3

This parameter replaces the near/far clipping plane ranges. For slice 3, the near clipping plane is Slice Cut 2 and the far clipping plane is Slice Cut 3. The far clipping plane for slice 4 lies in infinity and isn’t exposed as a parameter.


Outputs are standard export values defined for Karma lens shaders.

See also

VOP nodes