Houdini 20.5 Nodes VOP nodes

USD UV Texture VOP node

Represents a standard USD primitive for looking up texture values.

On this page
Since 17.0

The node parameters reflect the officially supported attributes of the USD texture primitive. Please refer to the USD documentation for more info.


  • Set Source Color Space to “raw” to ensure colorspace is not applied to the incoming data, so that normal maps will work correctly.



Path to the texture file.

Texture Coordinate

Texture coordinate at which to fetch the texture value.

Wrap S

Specifies how to handle the s-coordinate when it’s outside the valid 0-1 (inclusive) range.


Black color outside of the range square.


Extend the value at the range boundary.


Repeat the value.


Flip and repeat the texture.


Look for the wrap metadata in the texture file itself.

Wrap T

Specifies how to handle the t-coordinate when it’s outside the valid 0-1 (inclusive) range. This parameter has the same choices as the Wrap S parameter above.

Fallback Color

The value to use when texture can not be read.


Scale to be applied to all components of the texture.


Bias to be applied to all components of the texture.

Source Color Space

Flag indicating the color space in which the source texture is encoded.


Use texture data as it was read from the texture and do not mark it as using a specific color space.


Determine the source color space based on the file. Currently, this will assume sRGB color space for 8-bit textures and linear for all other textures.


Determine the source color space based on the file. Currently, this will assume sRGB color space for 8-bit textures and linear for all other textures.

See also

VOP nodes