Houdini 20.5 Nodes VOP nodes

Layer Mix VOP node

Outputs a mix of the two input layers, blended using the alpha value.

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Since 14.5



The value used to mix layer A and B.

At 0.0 only A is used. At 1.0 only B is used. A value in between 0.0 and 1.0 results in a mix of the two.

Surface Mode

Sets the operation applied to the layer’s surface components F, Of and Ce.


Mixes the two layers as described above.

Use A

Outputs A’s unmixed surface components.

Use B

Outputs B’s unmixed surface components.

Displacement Mode

Sets the operation applied to the layer’s displacement components P and N.


Mixes the two layers as described above.

Use A

Outputs A’s unmixed displacement components.

Use B

Outputs B’s unmixed displacement components.


Layeredshader Example for Layer Mix VOP node

This example shows how to layer shaders together using the layermix node when one of the textures has an embedded alpha. A similar process can be used with the layercomp node.

See also

VOP nodes