Houdini 20.5 Nodes VOP nodes

Refracted Light VOP node

Sends a ray starting at origin P and in the direction specified by the normalized vector I.

This operator sends a ray starting at origin P and in the direction specified by the normalized vector I. The resulting color, opacity and alpha will be returned.

The Bias parameter is typically a small number used to prevent self-refraction. The Max Contribution parameter is used to give the renderer an idea of how much the refracted light will contribute to the final pixel color, but has no effect on the results of this operator.

The ray origin and direction are typically computed using the Refract or Fresnel operators.

In order to prevent the renderer from computing standard transparency (i.e. non-refracted transparency), the Of variable must be set to 1,1,1 to make the surface opaque. The Af variable can be set to any value.

If inputs P and I are not connected, the global variables by the same names will be used instead, and a local copy of the global I variable will be normalized inside this operator before the computation begins.

See also

VOP nodes