Houdini 20.5 Nodes VOP nodes

Periodic Noise VOP node

Generates 1D and 3D Perlin noise from 1D, 3D and 4D data.

This operator generates 1D and 3D Perlin noise from 1D, 3D and 4D data. There are two forms of Perlin noise: a non-periodic noise which changes randomly throughout the N-dimensional space, and a periodic form which repeats itself over a given range of the space. The periodic form can be used to generate patterns which 'tile' over N-dimensional space (i.e. a noise-based texture map which repeats seamlessly).

To compute periodic noise, you must plug the value of your choice into the Periodicity (period) input. In the Surface Shading context, for example, pipe a Rest Position into pos and a Constant of type vector and values { 12, 12, 12 } into period. Then, pipe the noise output into the bias input of Color Mix to generate a noisy color. To visualize the result, connect the Color Mix output into the Cf input of the Output Variables operator.

The noise has a range of (0, 1) with a median value of 0.5. The distribution of the noise depends on the dimension, with higher dimensions approaching a Gaussian distribution of noise values.

Unlike the Perlin option available in the Turbulent Noise operator, this operator does not do any iterations of the noise, nor does it use turbulence, amplitude or roughness.

The relative costs for computing noise of different types is roughly:

Cost Noise type
1.0 Perlin Noise
1.1 Original Perlin Noise (see Turbulent Noise operator)
1.8 Worley Noise (see Worley Noise operator)
1.8 Periodic Worley Noise (see Periodic Worley Noise operator)
1.9 Voronoi Noise (see Voronoi Noise operator)
2.1 Sparse Convolution Noise (see Turbulent Noise operator)
2.3 Alligator Noise (see Turbulent Noise operator)
See also

VOP nodes