Houdini 20.5 Nodes VOP nodes

Ripples 2.0 VOP node

Generates repeating ripples.

Since 16.0

This operator generates repeating ripples. The output is a number between 0 and 1, centered at 0.5, and can be used to mix between colors or materials or to displace geometry.

If the s and t inputs are not specified, global variables appropriate to the current context will be used instead, as follows: (s,t) in the shading contexts; (P.x,P.y) in the geometry and particle contexts; and (X,Y) in the compositing context.

The s and t are similar to texture coordinates. It’s the place in the surface where ripples need to be evaluated.


S Frequency

Scales the s coordinate.

T Frequency

Scales the t coordinate.

S Offset

How much to offset the s coordinate.

T Offset

How much to offset the t coordinate.


How quickly the ripples decay.

Wave Time

Used to move the waves.

See also

VOP nodes