Houdini 20.5 Nodes VOP nodes

Or VOP node

This operator performs a logical “or” operation between its inputs and returns 1 or 0 .

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This operator performs a logical “or” operation between its inputs and returns 1 (if at least one input is non-zero) or 0 (if all inputs are zero).

Typically, “or” is used as an input to conditional operators such as If and While. All inputs and the output data type are integers.


Bitwise Operation

Instead of any non-zero value being treated the same, the input is broken into individual bits and the operation performed on them.


Input Number 1…N

The input values to be combined together.

Next Input

Where the next input value should be connected. Up to 64 inputs can be specified.


Combined Value

The logical “or” combination of all inputs.

See also

VOP nodes