Houdini 20.5 Nodes VOP nodes

Find Point Transform VOP node

Find a point on a given geometry and return its transforms.

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Since 18.5

Look up a point on a given geometry using either a mapping dictionary attribute on the Source File or by performing a simple attribute value match between the Source File and the Search File. If the point is found, the outputs will be set to the transforms for that point.


Search File

Specifies where to find the geometry you want to search through to find the corresponding point.

Source File

Specifies where to find the geometry containing the point that holds either the mapping attribute or the attribute value that you want to match in the Search File.

Map Using

Specifies the mapping method to use.

Mapping Attribute

Use the dictionary attribute specified by Mapping Attribute Name on the Source Point to find a matching point.

Match By Attribute

Use the value of the attribute specified by Attribute To Match on the Source Point to look up a matching point in the Search File.

Mapping Attribute Name

Specifies the name of the dictionary attribute to use for the look-up.



The geometry containing the point that holds either the mapping attribute or the attribute value that you want to match in the Search File.


The index of the point that holds either the mapping attribute or the attribute value that you want to match in the Search File.


The geometry to search through to find the corresponding point.


The name of the dictionary attribute to use for the look-up.


The name of the point attribute to use for the look-up.



The geometry on which the point was found. This will be the same as the srcfile input.


The point number that was matched on the srcfile geometry.


The world transform matrix.


The local transform matrix.


The local transform matrix including any propagated scales from the points ancestors.


The scaleinheritance mode of the point.


Outputs 1 if a point was found. Otherwise, 0 is output.

See also

VOP nodes