Houdini 20.5 Nodes VOP nodes

UV Tri-planar Project VOP node

Projects texture maps along X, Y, and Z axes and blends them together at the seams.

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Since 15.5


This node generates a texture color based on projecting X, Y, and Z textures onto the current point.

For “hero” models, you will often put careful texture UVs on the geometry as attributes. However, it can be useful to generate quick UVs “on the fly” in the shader when precise texturing is not necessary. For example, you might generate UVs in a shader to wrap a rocky texture around a bunch of rocks in the scene.

This node lets you quickly assign colors and texture maps without the need to define point or vertex UVs in geometry attributes. You can control how the textures are blended together, the alignment of each texture, as well as the scale and rotation.


The node generates the color of each axis one at a time, with each axis composited over the previous axes. The order is fixed: Z axis first (at the bottom of the compositing stack), followed by X, then Y.


  • If you need more custom compositing of the layers, you can project the textures using the lower-level UV Planar Project VOP and blend them yourself.


Axis Offset

Shifts the UVs generated by this VOP on a per axis basis. This can be useful to hide obvious tiling patterns when the same texture map is used on each axis.

X/Y/Z Axis

Mask Sharpness

Higher values give sharper transitions between the blended textures. Lower values give softer transitions.

Separate Axis Controls

Gives you separate controls over the texture projected onto the opposite side along this axis.

Positive axis

Texture Map

Path to the texture file to project.

Tint with Color

Tints the color values from the texture file using the Color parameter below.


Multiplies the current texture map color by this color, when Tint with Color is on.


Rotates the projected texture. This can be useful for aligning textures to those projected from other axis.


Scales the projected texture. Higher values give more tiling.

Negative Axis

When Separate Axis Controls is on, you can set different values for the texture projected in the opposite side along this axis, including projecting a different image.


Blended Color (clr)

The texture color for the current point, computed by compositing the textures projected along X, Y, and Z.

See also

VOP nodes