Houdini 20.5 Nodes VOP nodes

Ray Trace VOP node

Sends a ray starting at origin P and in the direction specified by the normalized vector D.

This operator sends a ray starting at origin P and in the direction specified by the normalized vector D. The resulting color, opacity and alpha will be returned.

The Bias parameter is typically a small number used to prevent self-shading. The Max Contribution parameter is used to give the renderer an idea of how much the result of the Trace operator will contribute to the resulting pixel color, but has no effect on the results of the trace.

If the position (P) input is not connected, the global variable by the same name will be used instead.


RaytraceVopShader Example for Ray Trace VOP node

This example demonstrates a simple ray traced shader using a vop vex network. To modify the shader properties, create a properties shader in the material and connect it to the output shaders node. You can then add rendering parameters to the properties node. For example to control the number of reflection bounces, you would add the reflect limit parameter.

See also

VOP nodes