Houdini 20.5 Nodes VOP nodes

Bricks VOP node

Simulates an anti-aliased brick wall.

This node type is deprecated. It is scheduled to be deleted in an upcoming revision of Houdini.

(Since version 15.0.)

This operator simulates an anti-aliased brick wall.

Displacements are part of the features this operator offers, both in terms of groove depth (gdepth) and brick irregularity (dscale). To build a separate displacement shader, use the Random Brick ID (id) and Groove Amount (amount) outputs.

To add randomness to the shape of each brick, create a UV Noise operator, lower its frequency parameter and connect its “news” and newt" outputs into the S and T (s t) Coordinate inputs.

If the Position (P), Normal (N) and texture coordinate (s t) inputs are not connected, the global variables by the same names will be used instead. Typically, you will use Rest Position or UV Space Change as inputs for P, and Shading Layer Parameter as the input for s and t. You will not touch N unless you want to apply additional displacement to the brick surface using an operator such as Bump Noise or Cavities. If you need to access the global variables directly, they are available from the Global Variables operator.

Other materials that can be simulated with this operator include asphalt shingles and cinder blocks. Here is a list of suggested values several such materials:

Material            bcolor1       bcolor2          gcolor  gwidth 
gdepth dfreq  damp dchip dscale
        Red Brick       .883 .239 .147   .667 .269 .111  .3 .3 .3   .05
    .03    2.6   1.5   .3    .5
        Beige Brick     .619 .566 .540   .700 .600 .500  .4 .3 .3   .05
    .03    2.6   1.5   .3    .5
        Brown Brick     .545 .352    0   .387 .251    0  .3 .2 .1   .05
    .03    2.6   1.5   .3    .5
        Asphalt Shingle .335 .335 .335   .423 .423 .440  .3 .3 .3   .01
    .01    3.2   1.7   .1   -.1
        Cinder Block    .582 .582 .582   .423 .423 .440  .5 .5 .5   .05
    .03    2.6   1.5   .3    .5
See also

VOP nodes