Houdini 20.5 Nodes VOP nodes

Rust Perforation VOP node

Simulates a rusty, possibly perforated material.

This node type is deprecated. It is scheduled to be deleted in an upcoming revision of Houdini.

(Since version 15.0.)

This operator simulates a rusty, possibly perforated material.

You will first generate a material that outputs a color, then pipe its output into the Surface Color input of this operator.

The rust and perforation thresholds control the contribution of each stage of corrosion, and represent good candidates for animation at the shader level if tied to Parameter operators.

If the Surface Position (P) and Surface Color (Cf) inputs are not connected, the global variables by the same name will be used instead. Typically, you will use Rest Position or UV Space Change as inputs for P, and any operator that yields a lit color, such as Shiny Metal or Lighting Model, as inputs for Cf. If you need to access the global variables directly, they are available from the Global Variables operator.

See also

VOP nodes