Houdini 20.0 Nodes Geometry nodes

Attach Control Geometry geometry node

Creates control geometry for SOP-based KineFX rigs.

This node type is deprecated. It is scheduled to be deleted in an upcoming revision of Houdini.

Replaced by Attach Joint Geo SOP

(Since version 18.5.)

On this page
Since 18.5


The Attach Control Geometry SOP node has been replaced by the Attach Joint Geometry SOP node.

This node attaches control geometry in the form of packed or unpacked geometry primitives to the points (joints) on the first input without modifying their hierarchy and creates the attributes necessary for the interactive tools in KineFX to recognize these primitives as selectors for the points they are attached to.

The second input to this node can contain multiple primitives if you want to provide a library of control shapes to choose from. This geometry can take the form of packed or unpacked primitives, but the primitives must have a name attribute in order to be attached as controls.


  • Controls inherit the transforms from the joints they are attached to. So if you can’t see your control geometry in the viewport, check your skeleton’s joint scales as your controls may have been scaled down (even to the point of no longer being visible in the viewport at default zoom) because of them.

  • For more information about working with controls in KineFX, see Setting up control geometry.


As alternatives to creating control geometry directly in your scene, you can use the following:

  • A File SOP node to reference a .bgeo file on disk that contains all the primitives that you want to use as your controls.

  • A Skeleton SOP node to create KineFX points that you can use as your controls.


Use Lighting

When on, the controls are rendered in the viewport using your scene’s current lighting set-up.

Example: Effect of Use Lighting on the controls in the viewport

Control Group Name

Adds the controls to the specified primitive group. If the group already exists, then the controls will be appended to the existing group.


Multiparms that create the links between the control geometry and their target skeleton points.


Specifies the name of the group that contains the points the controls will be attached to. For example, @name=head for one point, @name=hand_l @name=hand_r for two points, and so on.

The select geometry arrow icon located next to this parameter also allows you to select the skeleton points for the Group from the viewport.

Control Name

The name of the geometry primitive to use as the control for the points included in the Group.

All the names of the geometry primitives on the second input also appear in this parameter’s drop-down list.



The SOP skeleton to attach controls to.


Packed or unpacked geometry primitives representing the controls to choose from.


A name primitive attribute is required on this input.

To meet this requirement, you can add a Name SOP between the geometry nodes and the attachcontrolgeo node in your network.



The input skeleton with the controls attached.

See also

Geometry nodes