Houdini 20.5 Nodes Geometry nodes

Reverse Foot geometry node

Creates a reverse foot set up for the given input skeleton.

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Since 18.5

This node constructs a reverse foot set up from the given input joints by creating a custom set of pivot points(markers) and establishing various rotations of the foot joints around these custom pivots.



Choose whether to create the markers and solve the reverse foot in the same SOP or in different SOPs. By choosing Create Markers, the output will be the custom pivot points that can be run through different nodes, like Stabilize Joint, before being fed into the Solve Reverse Foot.

Mirror Entries

Duplicate the existing Entries and update the name of the joints to match the mirrored side. Example: replace “_l” with “_r”.

Initialize Entries

If the Mode is set to Solve Reverse Foot, the SOP will look for the reversefoot_config detail attribute on the input skeleton(attribute that gets generated by the Crete Markers Mode) and will create as many Entries as stored in that attribute.

Keep Markers

Keep or remove the reverse foot markers from the output.

Apply Transformation Delta

Apply the markers' transformation delta (between their transforms on creation and their current transforms) to the foot joints. This is useful if other operations are performed on the markers before solving, such as Stabilize Joint. Disabling this option avoids applying a double transform if the foot joints and markers are both being transformed before the solve.

Use Rest Pose Attribute

Use a point rest transform attribute to set the skeleton to its rest state before

creating the markers.

Rest Pose Attribute

The name of the rest transform point attribute.

Config Attribute Name

Name of the detail attribute that is consumed by this node when in Solve mode. Modifying the name can be useful if you want to merge multiple skeletons, that all have markers generated by this node, together. When in Solve mode, you can specify multiple strings in this field. Example: “reversefoot_config_r reversefoot_config_l”. This will allow the node to solve all markers even when coming from different streams of data.

Pelvis Joint

Specify the pelvis joint by name. This joint is used to determine the side of the body that each Entry is on.


Choose the number of reverse foot set ups to create.

Upper Leg Joint

Specify the upper leg joint by name.

Knee Joint

Specify the knee joint by name.

Ankle Joint

Specify the ankle joint by name.

Ball Joint

Specify the ball joint by name. Leave this field empty if the input skeleton has no ball joint.

Toe Joint

Specify the toe joint by name. Leave this field empty if the input skeleton has no toe joint.


Color of the created markers.

Offset Markers

Marker Scale

Scale the marker visualizers.

Marker Up Offset

Offset the created markers on the up axis of the input skeleton.

Heel Marker Offset

Offset the heel marker on the side and front axis of the input skeleton.

Ball Marker Offset

Offset the ball marker on the side and front axis of the input skeleton.

Toe Marker Offset

Offset the toe marker on the side and front axis of the input skeleton.

Outer Foot Marker Offset

Offset the outer foot marker on the side and front axis of the input skeleton.

Inner Foot Marker Offset

Offset the inner foot marker on the side and front axis of the input skeleton.



Rotate the foot around the side axis of the skeleton using various pivots throughout. Get a fluid and easy transition from a heel roll up to a ball and toe roll. A negative value will rotate the foot around the heel, positive values will rotate the foot around the ball and toe respectively.

Bend Limit Angle

Up to which angle to rotate the foot using the ball as the pivot. Once this threshold is broken, the foot will begin to rotate around the toe.

Toe Straight Angle

Angle where the foot has reached maximum rotation around the toe.


Heel Lift

Rotate the foot around the side axis of the skeleton using the heel marker as the pivot.

Ball Lift

Rotate the foot around the side axis of the skeleton using the ball marker as the pivot.

Toe Lift

Rotate the foot around the side axis of the skeleton using the toe marker as the pivot.

Heel Pivot

Rotate the foot around the up axis of the skeleton using the heel marker as the pivot.

Ball Pivot

Rotate the foot around the up axis of the skeleton using the ball marker as the pivot.

Toe Pivot

Rotate the foot around the up axis of the skeleton using the toe marker as the pivot.

Foot Twist

Rotate the foot around the front axis of the skeleton using the outer or inner foot markers as the pivots. A negative value will use the inner foot marker as the pivot. A positive value will use the outer foot marker as the pivot.


Target Skeleton

The input skeleton to build a reverse foot setup for.

Rest Geometry

The character’s skin that is used for projecting the markers onto.

Capture Skeleton

The capture skeleton is used to ensure that the joint transforms from the Target Skeleton line up with the Rest Geometry in order to properly project te markers.


Target Skeleton

The modified input skeleton.

See also

Geometry nodes