Houdini 20.5 Nodes Geometry nodes

Labs Terrain Texture ROP 1.0 geometry node

The Terrain Texture Output renders image data from a heightfield.

This node renders image data from a height field as opposed to for example the Terrain Mesh Output which creates geometry. It can also export tiled images that match the naming and placement of the tiles.




Render the output maps to disk and cut it up into tiles if tiling has been enabled.


The output location where the textures should be saved to. Use $(CHANNEL) to insert the channel name into the path, $(X) and $(Y) to insert the X and Y position.

Divide into tiled maps

This allows for the to be exported maps to be divided into tiles.

Render Resolution

This specifies the total resolution of the exported images.

Tile Count

This specifies the number of tiles the exported images need to be divided in.

Re-Export Tiles

Re-Export the texturemaps in tiled chunks without re-rendering the full image. This only works if the maps have been rendered once before.



The channel name to be used for this map.


The channel name to be used for this map.


The channel name to be used for this map.


The channel name to be used for this map.


The channel name to be used for this map.


Flip Y

Flip the Y component of the normalmap.

Flip X

Flip the X component of the normalmap.

Use MikkT

Use MikkT to generate normalmap.

Remap Range

Controls the range that should be used to remap the height from to the 0-1 range.

Raster Depth

Controls the precision used for the exported heightmap values.

Occlusion Bias

This acts as a contrast control over the occlusion shading, with values higher and lower than 0.5 resulting in more and less contrast.

Cavity Distance

Controls the distance within which features will influence the shading.

Cavity Bias

This acts as a contrast control over the cavity occlusion shading, with values higher and lower than 0.5 resulting in more and less contrast.

Occlusion-based Curvature

This is a course but fast approximation for measuring curvature. When off (the default), the renderer measures curvature using local topology. Turning this on measures curvature by casting occlusion rays. The number of occlusion rays is controlled by Baking Samples parameter.

Curvature Ray Distance

Maximum occlusion ray distance to use when Occlusion-based Curvature is on.

Curvature Scale

Multiplies the output curvature value. If you are seeing any curvature shading you should increase this value until the gradient is visible.

Curvature Bias

This acts as a contrast control over the curvature’s shading, with values higher and lower than 0.5 resulting in more and less contrast.

Geometry nodes