Houdini 20.5 Nodes Geometry nodes

Cloud Shape from Line geometry node

Creates primitive spheres used to model cumulus cloud-like shapes around a line primitive.

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Since 20.0


This node is useful for cloud modeling to produce the initial spherical cloud mesh for cumulus cloud like shapes. It is a lower level tool that can be used to build custom cloud shapes.


If you need to generate cloud shapes based on a specific cloud type or species use the Cloud Shape Generate node.

The cloud shape is a set of primitive spheres with pscale point attribute attached to them, which easily let you convert the cloud shape into a density fog volume using the VDB From Particles node.

As a next step, use the Cloud Billowy Noise alongside the Cloud Wispy Noise to further develop the finer volumetric details of the cloud.




The subset of the input points or primitives to use for generating the cloud shapes.

Cloud Shapes


Point Separation

Sets the point density scattered around the line when Number of Points is turned off. Smaller values will create denser point clouds, but will also reduce the size of the primitive spheres. Increase this value to create larger, more bulky shapes.

Number of Points

When turned on, it sets the exact number of points to generate around the line.

Density Scale

When turned on, controls scales the number of points scattered around the line by this amount. Optionally use the float density point attribute on the incoming line to control the number of points on each line segment.

Particle Scale

Uniformly scales the size of each generated primitive sphere.


Controls random selection for variation. Change the value of the Seed if the current variation is undesirable.

Relax Points

When turned on, relaxes the scattered points to avoid disconnected cloud shapes.

Scale by Noise

Scale by Noise

Randomizes the size of each generated primitive sphere using a spacial noise. This is useful to create size variation between spheres to make the generated cloud shape more interesting looking.

Scale Min

Sets the minimum amount of allowed scale by the spatial noise.

Scale Max

Sets the maximum amount of allowed scale by the spatial noise.

Element Size

Controls the base feature size of the generated noise. The value applies to each axis.


The offset into the noise field. Change the value of the Offset if the current size variation is undesirable.

Scale Along Length

Scale Along Length

Allows you to scale the size of the sphere primitives along the length of the input curve. Use this to create common cloud shapes such as when the center of the cloud consist of large bulky shapes, while the ends are made of much smaller spheres.

Scale Min

Sets the minimum amount of allowed scale to apply by the Scale Along Length Ramp.

Scale Max

Sets the maximum amount of allowed scale to apply by the Scale Along Length Ramp.

Scale Along Length Ramp

Controls how the size of the spherical shapes changes over the length of the input curve. The left side is the start of the curve, while the right side of the ramp represents the end of the curve. The minimum (given by Scale Min) and maximum (given by Scale Max) scale values are mapped vertically to this ramp.

Scale Along Profile

Scale Along Profile

Allows you to scale the size of the sphere primitives based on their closest distance to the input curve. Use this to change the size of the primitive spheres that are closer or further away from the curve.

Scale Min

Sets the minimum amount of allowed scale to apply by the Scale Along Profile Ramp.

Scale Max

Sets the maximum amount of allowed scale to apply by the Scale Along Profile Ramp.

Scale Along Profile Ramp

Controls how the size of the spherical shapes changes over how far away the spheres are located from input curve. The left side is the start of the curve, while the right side of the ramp represents the end of the curve. The minimum (given by Scale Min) and maximum (given by Scale Max) scale values are mapped vertically to this ramp.

Secondary Shapes

Enable Secondary Shapes

Iteratively scatters additional sphere primitives to create more interesting cloud shapes.



Controls how many times to scatter additional primitive spheres. More iterations will create more varied, chaotic shapes.

Particle Scale

Overall scale on the size of each additional primitive spheres.

Scatter Amount

Filters the number of primitive spheres to use to generate the additional sphere primitives for each iteration. The default 0.2 value means that in each iteration only 20% of the existing spheres are used to generate new sphere primitives. Lower values tend to create more isolated peaks, while higher values create a more bulky shape.


Controls random selection for variation for scattering additional sphere primitives. Change the value of the Seed if the current variation is undesirable.

Distribution Along Length

Controls where to create the additional sphere primitives along the length of the input curve. The left side is the start of the curve, while the right side of the ramp represents the end of the curve.

Spread Controls

Billowy Scale

Controls the relative radius size of the source point in which to scatter the additional sphere primitives. Increasing this value will spread the primitives spheres away from each other, creating more broken up shapes, however when pushed high enough, it can move spheres out from the main cloud shape. To remove such unwanted spheres, turn on the Remove Islands checkbox on the Output tab.

Displacement Scale

Each newly generated primitive sphere is generated with a normal direction inherited from its original source point, and this controls how much to move the spheres along that direction. Use the Up Vector Bias, Goal Vector Bias and Normal Bias parameters to modify the direction of the normal vector along which this displacement takes place.

Up Vector Bias

When Displacement Scale is larger than 0, this controls how much the sphere primitives should be steered towards the given up vector. This is useful to make the secondary primitive shapes to growth towards a user defined direction. A value of 1 means the spheres will be displaced along only the up vector.

Up Vector

The vector that is used to move the sphere primitives along, when Up Vector Bias and Displacement Scale are both larger than 0.

Goal Vector Bias

When Displacement Scale is larger than 0 and Iteration is larger than 1, this controls how much the sphere primitives needs to be steered towards the goal direction on each scatter iteration. Use this to simulate wind-like shape build up in the cloud shape.

Goal Vector

Goal Strength Ramp

Controls how much the sphere primitives needs to be steered towards the goal vector direction in each iteration. The left side represents the first iteration (given by Iteration), while the right side of the ramp represents the last iteration. When the ramp linearly increases from left to right, with each iteration the primitives more and more will steer towards the goal vector (given by Goal Vector).

Normal Bias

When Displacement Scale is larger than 0, this controls how much the sphere primitives should steer towards all directions.

Scale by Noise

Scale by Noise

Randomizes the size of the additional sphere primitives using a spacial noise. This is useful to create size variation between spheres to make the generated cloud shape more interesting looking.

Scale Min

Sets the minimum amount of allowed scale by the spatial noise.

Scale Max

Sets the maximum amount of allowed scale by the spatial noise.

Element Size

Controls base feature size of the generated noise. The value applies to each axis.


The offset into the noise field. Change the value of the Offset if the current size variation is undesirable.

Limit Scale


When this checkbox is turned on, sets the minimum allowed size for the additional sphere primitives.


When this checkbox is turned on, sets the maximum allowed size for the additional sphere primitives.



Enable this to create clouds that have a flat bottom.



This sets the distance to translate the flattening plane along its normal.


The origin of the flattening plane.

Up Vector

The normal vector of the flattening plane. The flattening plane will be translated along this vector with Distance.

Shape Reduction

Fuse Distance

The maximum distance to fuse points together. Set this to remove primitive spheres that are too close to each other. Increasing this value will fuse together more and more primitives spheres into one.

Remove Below Scale

The size below which a primitive sphere needs to be removed. Use this to remove any unwanted relatively small sphere primitive.

Remove Islands

While the purpose of this node is to create a single cloud shape entity, when some settings pushed to far, you can end up with separate disconnected cloud shapes. Use this setting to keep only the largest cloud shape and discard the rest.

See also

Geometry nodes