Houdini 20.5 Nodes Geometry nodes

Ballistic Path geometry node

Generates ballistic projectile paths from the incoming points.

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Since 18.5


This operator generates paths for ballistic projectiles. You can direct the path of a free-falling object using the velocity attribute on each incoming point in conjunction with the life point attribute. Alternatively, you can specify a target position in space to hit with certain criteria.

This is a low-level operator used by higher-level nodes, such as Pyro Trail Path , to provide more artist-friendly controls.

The generated paths are only approximations of the real physical behavior you could achieve with a particle simulation. Using this node has the benefit of providing faster iteration times as the path generation is time-independent, while giving you more directable controls over the projectiles.


Use Pyro Scatter From Burst to quickly generate source point for this node already containing velocity and life point attributes.


If no incoming v attribute is present for velocity, a random upwards initial velocity will be generated. For more control over the initial velocity, use a Point Velocity SOP.

Likewise, if in targeted mode, the targetP attribute will be created with random positions.

There are two types of trails that come from explosions.

  1. Ballistic Trails are long lived trails that are pulled down by gravity, creating arced paths.

  2. Straight Trails are short-lived trails that shoot out from the core of the explosion. These projectiles are ejected out of the blast with a force that dominates gravity; therefore, they have no arc. Usually they are thin trails, with hundreds of particles shooting out at once.


This node outputs curve primitives. Each curve corresponds to an incoming point (where the curve starts), and each point of a curve represents a location in space where the ballistic projectile will be positioned at a certain time. This time value is stored in a point attribute called time. The Extract Point from Curve SOP can use this attribute to extract the position of the projectile as it moves along the path.

Every curve’s first point sets time to 0. You need to offset the time point attribute for every point on the curve to start the projectile at a later time.

To...Do this

Start the projectile at a certain frame (for example, at frame 15)

  1. Create an Attribute Adjust Float node, and attach your ballistic paths to it.

  2. Set Attribute Name to time.

  3. Set Constant Value to 15.

  4. Set Unit Settings to Time.

    This will convert the adjustment value of 15 from units of frames to seconds before offsetting the time value for every point on the curve curve.

  5. Append an Extract Point From Curve node.

  6. Set Cut Attribute to time.

  7. Change Cut Value from Constant Value to Current Time.

    This will extract points from the curve where the time attribute value is equal to the global time.


  • You can deform the ballistic paths to give the projectiles more interesting trajectories. For instance, projectiles could spiral around the base path. You might need to increase the value of the Substeps parameter to create more points on the curve if you want to deform the path.

  • You can manipulate the time attribute to slow down or speed up the projectile along its trajectory. For example, multiplying time values by 2 will uniformly slow down the flight.


This node is not able to handle colliders to the same level as a particle simulation. However, a basic clipping and a collision system has been created to handle simple use-cases. If you need more advanced collision handling, you need to run a particle simulation to obtain ballistic paths.

To...Do this

Make a matching particle simulation with the generated ballistic paths.

  1. Create a POP Network.

  2. Insert an Attribute Adjust Float before the popnet.

  3. Set Attribute Name to mass.

  4. Switch Operation to Set Always, and set Constant Value to be the same as Mass on this node.

  5. Insert another Attribute Adjust Float before the popnet, and repeat steps 3 and 4 for drag.

  6. Append POP Force and POP Drag nodes inside the POP network, and turn off Ignore Mass on the nodes.

  7. On the POP Solver, set the Update/Drag Exponent to 1.




The subset of the input geometry points to use for path generation. Leave this blank to use all points.

Launch Method

Controls the nature of the generated trajectories.


This will generate the path using only the incoming velocity and life point attributes. Velocity controls the direction and the initial launch speed/force, while life controls how long the ballistic path will exists.


The ballistic path will try to hit the target position based on the selected criteria (set by Targeting Method).


There is no valid ballistic path for some combinations of starting position, target location, and targeting parameters. In this case, a path is not generated.


Sets how long the ballistic projectile will exist in seconds. Increase this value to make the projectile last longer. If the incoming geometry has a life point attribute, its value will be used instead of this parameter.

Click the randomization button on the right side of this parameter to randomize the value per incoming element. This will create/select a corresponding attribute adjust node to give you greater control over the parameter’s value.

Target Position

The vector point attribute that is used for target position. If no attribute is given, a random target position will be generated.

Click the randomization button on the right side of this parameter to randomize the value per incoming element. This will create/select a corresponding attribute adjust node to give you greater control over the parameter’s value.

Targeting Method

Specifies the targeting mode when Launch Method is set to Targeted. In all cases, the path will start at the value of P point attribute and end at the value of the attribute specified by Target Position.


It will take Life amount of time to hit the target.


Y-coordinate of the trajectory peaks at Height.

Height Plane

The trajectory will be tangent to the plane specified by Plane Position and Plane Normal.

Initial Angle

The trajectory will start by making the desired Initial Angle with the horizontal plane.

Target Angle

The trajectory will end by making the Target Angle with the horizontal plane.

Minimal Energy

The trajectory will hit the target with the shortest distance possible.


Amount of time (in seconds) the projectile needs to reach its target (specified by the Target Position parameter). Increase this value to make the projectile reach its target later. If the incoming geometry has a life point attribute, its value will be used instead of this parameter.

Click the randomization button on the right side of this parameter to randomize the value per incoming element. This will create/select a corresponding attribute adjust node to give you greater control over the parameter’s value.


Highest point on the Y-axis that the projectile will reach. If the incoming geometry has a height point attribute, its value will be used instead of this parameter.

Click the randomization button on the right side of this parameter to randomize the value per incoming element. This will create/select a corresponding attribute adjust node to give you greater control over the parameter’s value.

Plane Position

The position of the plane the projectile will touch. If the incoming geometry has a hplaneP point attribute, its value will be used instead of this parameter.

Click the randomization button on the right side of this parameter to randomize the value per incoming element. This will create/select a corresponding attribute adjust node to give you greater control over the parameter’s value.

Plane Normal

The normal vector of the plane the projectile will touch. If the incoming geometry has a hplaneN point attribute, its value will be used instead of this parameter.

Click the randomization button on the right side of this parameter to randomize the value per incoming element. This will create/select a corresponding attribute adjust node to give you greater control over the parameter’s value.

Initial Angle

The angle from the horizontal plane the projectile will make at the start position. If the incoming geometry has a angle point attribute, its value will be used instead of this parameter.

Click the randomization button on the right side of this parameter to randomize the value per incoming element. This will create/select a corresponding attribute adjust node to give you greater control over the parameter’s value.

Target Angle

The angle from the horizontal plane the projectile will make at the target position. If the incoming geometry has a angle point attribute, its value will be used instead of this parameter.

Click the randomization button on the right side of this parameter to randomize the value per incoming element. This will create/select a corresponding attribute adjust node to give you greater control over the parameter’s value.

Projectile Properties

These parameters influence how the projectile’s arc is generated. The generated paths are only approximations of physical behavior, therefore these parameters should be considered artistic controls.


Sets the air resistance for the projectile. Higher values will result in faster loss of energy and shorter travel distance. Drag of zero will produce a symmetric arc. If the incoming geometry has a drag point attribute, its value will be used instead of this parameter.

Click the randomization button on the right side of this parameter to randomize the value per incoming element. This will create/select a corresponding attribute adjust node to give you greater control over the parameter’s value.

Ballistic paths with Drag values from left to right : 3, 2, 1, 0.5, 0.


Sets the mass for the projectile. Higher values will cause the projectile to more strongly resist drag and travel a longer distance. If the incoming geometry has a mass point attribute, its value will be used instead of this parameter.

Click the randomization button on the right side of this parameter to randomize the value per incoming element. This will create/select a corresponding attribute adjust node to give you greater control over the parameter’s value.

Ballistic paths with Mass values from left to right : 0, 0.5, 1, 2, 3.
Combined view of Drag (yellow) and Mass (green) values.


Sets the force that attracts the projectile towards the ground. Set all components to zero if you want straight trails, which are not affected by gravity.


The number of divisions in the path for every second of time. Usually you want a division per frame, so this is often related to your frames per second.


Sets how many times to divide the ballistic path into further segments. Higher values will generate more points along the curve. A value of 1 should be sufficient to resolve the curve. If you want to apply post-deformation, increase the Divisions to ensure there are enough points to properly capture the deformation.

Basic Collision

Clip Below Height

Turning on this checkbox lets you clip projectiles that fall below Clip Height on the Y-axis.

Clip Height

The height to use for clipping. Trajectories will terminate once the Y-value falls below this value. If particles start below this height, they will be clipped when they fall below their initial height instead.

Enable Static Collision

Turns on a basic collision detection for the path to collide with objects.

Collision Geometry Path

The SOP path to the geometry the projectile paths need to collide with. If the geometry contains a kill primitive attribute that is set to 1, trajectories will terminate when they hit that primitive; otherwise, they will bounce and continue.

Number of Bounces

The maximum number of allowed bounces for projectile paths. After this number of bounces, the path will terminate. Set this to 0, if you want to eliminate all projectiles on the first collision hit.


Specifies what fraction of the original speed is maintained on collision in the direction of the collision normal. A value of 1 will simply reverse this normal component of velocity, whereas smaller values will also reduce it. A value of 0 will kill the projectile upon collision.

Bounce Forward

Specifies what fraction of the original speed is maintained in the tangential plane of the collision. A value of 1 will leave the tangential velocity unaffected; a value of 0 will eliminate the tangential component of velocity after the collision.


Copy Source Attributes

Copies incoming point attributes onto the generated projectiles.


The list of incoming point attributes to copy onto the projectiles.

Promote Attributes

Sets if the incoming point attributes (determined by Attribute) should be promoted to primitive attributes. These attributes are copied to the output points, when this is checkbox is turned off.


Multiplier applied to the exported velocity point attribute (v).

Path Number

Creates a primitive attribute storing the primitive number of each projectile, starting at 0. This can serve as an ID attribute in case primitives are subsequently shuffled or removed.

Number of Points per Path

Creates a primitive attribute storing the number of points for each curve.

Path Point Index

Creates a point attribute storing the point number index with respect to its path. The first point on each path will have a value of 0.

Launch Speed

Creates a primitive attribute storing the speed at the start of the trajectory.

End Time

Creates a primitive attribute storing the time attribute value of the last point of the curve.

Relative Position

Creates a point attribute storing the relative point number for each point along the curve. The first and last point of each path will have relative positions of 0 and 1, respectively.


Points for Ballistic Paths

Points with velocity (v) and life (life) attributes (for use in Free launch mode), or a target position (targetP by default) attribute.

See also

Geometry nodes