Houdini 20.5 Nodes Geometry nodes

Configure Rig Vis geometry node

Determines which input skeleton components are visible for a KineFX character.

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Since 19.0

This node creates visualization configurations for the input skeleton. You can create multiple configurations and each configuration can apply to a single joint or a group of joints. As part of a configuration, you can hide the visibility of joints (and their links), poly lines, and control objects in the viewport. You also have the option to modify how your joint links will appear in the viewport.

All visualization configuration settings will automatically bubble up to the input skeleton’s HDA character.



This multiparm allows you to create and manage multiple visualization set-ups for the same input skeleton.


Specifies the joint or list of space-separated joints that will use the visualization settings from a given Configurations multiparm.

This field accepts the @name joint name syntax. For example, a single joint like @name=rFoot or a list of joints like @name=rFoot @name=lFoot @name=rKnee @name=lKnee.

If you leave this field empty, all the joints and control objects on the input skeleton will use this multiparm’s visualization settings.

Joint Display

Determines which input skeleton components are visible in the viewport.

Show Joint

When on, the joints and their links for the specified Group joints are visible in the viewport.

Show Polygon Lines

When on, the poly lines for the specified Group joints are visible in the viewport.

Show Packed Geometry

When on, the control objects linked to the specified Group joints are visible in the viewport.

Link Scaling

Determines the width of the input skeleton’s joint links in the viewport based upon their length.

This is a mapping of the link length (distance from parent to child) onto the range given in the Width Low and Width High parameters.

For any link whose length falls in between the Length Low and Length High values, its width will be scaled by the corresponding value in between the Width Low and Width High values. Any link with their length outside this range will have their width clamped to the values given in the Width Low or Width High parameters.

These parameters are only available when Show Joint is turned on.

Example: Adjusting link scaling width

Length Low

The lower bound for the link length used for width scaling. Any links whose length is equal to or less than this value will have their width clamped to the Width Low parameter’s value.

Length High

The upper bound for the link length used for width scaling. Any links whose length is equal to or greater than this value will have their width clamped to the Width High parameter’s value.

Width Low

Sets the width of any links whose length is equal to or less than the Length Low parameter’s value.

Width High

Sets the width of any links whose length is equal to or greater than the Length High parameter’s value.


The input SOP skeleton to configure the joint (and their links), poly line, and control object visualization behaviors for.


The input SOP skeleton with defined visibility and visualization behaviors.


These defined visualization behaviors are inherited by any parent HDA.

See also

Geometry nodes