Houdini 20.5 Nodes Geometry nodes

Group Range geometry node

Groups points and primitives by ranges.

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Since 16.0

Creates groups of points and primitives according to ranges. This is useful if you wish to select every sixth polygon; or select the first half of a geometry.


Source geometry

The geometry on which to create the groups.


Number of Ranges

The number of range groups to create.

Group Name

Name of the group to create with a range. If blank, no group will be created.

Base Group

The group to apply the pattern to. If blank, the entire geometry will be used.

Group Type

Whether to group points or primitives into a range.

Merge Method

How to combine with an existing group of the same name.

Range Type

How to specify the range.


The start and end give the element numbers to begin and end the range with. These are 0-based numbers, so 0 means the first element. The end element is included in the range, so a range of 5 to 5 will consist of the sixth element.

Relative to Start/End

The start and end parameters provide the offset for the range. The start parameter gives the number of elements from the beginning, so a value of 5 means to skip 5 elements, so start with element six. The end parameter gives the number back from the end, so a value of 5 means skip the last 5 elements, so stop the range with the sixth-last element.

Start and Length

The start of the range is provided by the 0-based Start parameter. The provided length will select the number of elements to pick.

Equal Partitions

The entire set of elements is broken into equal sized, consecutive, partitions. If it does not divide evenly, boundary elements will be assigned to one partition or another (but never both). The Partition parameter gives the 0-based partition to group. If it is below zero or greater than equal to the number of partitions, no elements are grouped.


The 0-based start of the range.


The 0-based end of the range. This element is included in the range.


How many elements to include in the range.


Which partition to group.

Number of Partitions

The number of equal-sized partitions to break the geometry into.

Invert Range

Rather than grouping the elements within the range, group the elements before and after the range. This is useful for selecting just the first and last elements.

Range Filter

After grouping a contiguous range of primitives, this filter can select a subset of them in an alternating pattern.

Select _ of _

Group every # of # primitives/points.


Where to start the range filter. Measured relative to the start of the range.


These parameters are used to partition the input geometry into one or more sections, each of which will be applied the pattern independently.

Affect Disconnected Geometry Separately

When selected, will perform a flood fill on the supplied geometry to find regions of disconnected geometry.

Connectivity Attribute

One or more attributes used to specify connected regions of geometry.

Collision Group

A group that can be used to separate regions of geometry. Can be used to specify region boundaries to specify multiple sections of geometry to apply the pattern to.

Collision Group Type

The type of the Collision Group. The Collision Group Type does not need to match the Group Type.

Keep Elements Along Collision Group Boundary

When selected will not disregard elements that are along the boundary of the collision group.

Only Affect One Connected Region

Limits the region that the pattern is applied to by the ID of the connectivity region.

Remove Other Regions

When selected, only the region with the specified Connectivity Region Number will be kept in the resultant group.

Connected Region

The ID of the Connectivity Region to use.

See also

Geometry nodes