Houdini 20.5 Nodes Geometry nodes

Agent Pose from Rig geometry node

Updates an agent primitive’s pose from a geometry skeleton.

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Since 18.5

This SOP updates the current pose of an agent primitive from the geometry skeleton provided in the second input. The agent’s joints are matched to the skeleton’s joints by name.

This can be useful for editing an agent’s pose using SOP rigging tools, or for using crowd tools to process a SOP skeleton.

To create a clip that can be used with the crowds tools, use Agent Clip.



Specifies the group of agent primitives to modify.


A list or pattern of the agent’s joints that should be updated from the provided skeleton.

Root Transform

Specifies how the skeleton’s root transform is transferred to the agent primitive.

Transfer to Primitive Transform

Transfers the skeleton’s root transform to the agent’s point position and primitive transform. If there are multiple root joints in the skeleton, the joint to transfer the motion from is automatically determined by the size of the hierarchy under each root. The root joint can be explicitly specified using the Root Joint parameter.

Apply to Root Joint

Transfers the skeleton’s root transform to the agent’s matching root joint. The agent’s primitive transform and point position will remain unchanged, so the agent’s skeleton may move away from the point.


The root transform is not transferred to the agent.

Root Joint

Specifies the root joint whose motion is transferred to the agent primitive’s transform, when Root Transform is Transfer to Primitive Transform. This parameter is only necessary when there are multiple root joints in the skeleton.


A list or pattern of the agent’s channels that should be updated from the provided skeleton.



The agent primitive(s) to modify.


The skeleton to transfer the pose from.

Reference Skeleton

An optional reference pose for the skeleton. If provided, the difference between the reference skeleton’s pose and the skeleton’s current pose will be applied to the agent’s current pose, instead of directly transferring the skeleton’s transforms.



The modified agent primitives.


TransferPoseToAgent Example for Agent Pose from Rig geometry node

This example demonstrates how to transfer poses from a SOP skeleton to agent primitives, using several different modes of the Agent Pose from Rig SOP.

See also

Geometry nodes