Houdini 20.5 Nodes Geometry nodes

Stroke geometry node

Low level tool for building interactive assets.

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Since 13.0

The Stroke SOP is a low level SOP designed to allow the creation of higher level assets that have interactive drawing of strokes in the viewport. To facilitate this, it is paired with a state, Stroke, which knows how to populate the parameters of the Stroke SOP from interactive sketching.

Often the Stroke SOP is inside a digital asset. The top level digital asset, which uses the stroke state, can also expose generic parameters like prestroke, poststroke and stroke_* to change the behavior of the stroke state.

There are two sets of parameters. The first set are used by the interactive state to control how it generates each stroke. The second set are all in the Number of Strokes parameter. They store a record of every stroke created by the interactive tool, along with what the values of the first set of parameters were when the stroke was made.

The Stroke SOP itself, when it cooks, merely converts all of the strokes described by the parameters into polygonal geometry.

Raw samples are recorded, no smoothing is performed. You can use the Resample SOP or other SOPs to de-jitter the resulting lines.

Recorded attributes



Position of the intersection of the drawn curve with the projection geometry.


The angle of the pen while drawing. Active for stylus input that supports this. Measured in degrees.


The direction from the eye to the drawn stroke point. This is the direction to project the stroke point along.


Whether the stroke point successfully hit the projection geometry.


The 3d position on the camera plane where the stroke was drawn. When you draw in the viewport, you are drawing on the near clipping plane. These positions thus tend to be rather far from where you expect.


How much, in 0..1, the stylus was being pressed to the screen while drawing.


When intersecting with geometry, the primitive number that was hit. -1 if none hit.


How twisted the pen was when the stroke was drawn. Only supported on very high end styluses.


The angle between the stylus and the screen.


When, in seconds, the stroke point was drawn. This is measured from the start of the curve. This allows you to adjust flow rate depending on how fast the curve was drawn.


When intersecting geometry, the parameteric uv coordinates of the intersection. These can be used with the vex primuv function. These are NOT texture uv coordinates.



The color of the stroke at the time it was drawn.


The opacity of the stroke at the time it was drawn.


The chosen center of projection.


The chosen projection direction.


What form of projection was requested.


The value of the tool parameter when the stroke was drawn.


The radius when the stroke was drawn.



Used to control the width of the resulting curves.


Used to control the stroke_tool of the resulting curves.


Used to control the Cd of the resulting curves.


Used to control the stroke_opacity of the resulting curves.


Used to control the stroke_projtype of the resulting curves.

Projection Center

Used to control the stroke_projcenter of the resulting curves.

Number of Strokes

The interactive stroke state writes into this multiparm to record the output of each on-screen curve.

Enable Stroke

This can be used to quickly disable a stroke from being added to the generated geometry.


The width of the stroke.


The stroke_tool of the stroke.


The Cd of the stroke.


The stroke_opacity of the stroke.


The stroke_projtype of the stroke.

Projection Center

The stroke_projcenter of the stroke.

Projection Direction

The stroke_projdir of the stroke.

Raw Data

Stores all the position and attribute data of the individual stroke points in a binary form.

Meta Data

Stores the values of all parameters whose names start with stroke_ from the top level node. These are copied into correspondingly named primitive attributes.

See also

Geometry nodes