Houdini 20.5 Nodes Geometry nodes

VDB Vector from Scalar geometry node

Merges three scalar VDB into one vector VDB.

Since 12.5

See volumes for an explanation of standard volumes and OpenVDB volumes.

Each of the input VDBs must have the same resolution and transform.


To reverse the merge (split a vector VDB into three scalar VDBs), use VDB Vector Split node.


See specifying volumes.

X Group

The name of the VDB primitive to become the first (X) value in the generated vector VDB.

Y Group

The name of the VDB primitive to become the second (Y) value in the generated vector VDB.

Z Group

The name of the VDB primitive to become the third (X) value in the generated vector VDB.

Use Basename of X VDB

Uses the base name of the X Group as the name for the new VDB primitive. For example, if X Group is Cd.x, the generated vector VDB will be named Cd.

If you turn this option off or there is no name attribute on the X primitive, the node uses the Merged VDB name parameter.

Merged VDB Name

If Use basename of X VDB is off or the X Group primitive doesn’t have a name attribute, use this as the name for the generated vector VDB. If you use # (the number sign character) in the name it will be replaced with a number (starting at 1) to distinguish merged primitives when you specify more than one VDB.

Vector Type

The semantic meaning of the components of a vector volume. This affects how transformations are applied.


Does not transform.


Applies the inverse-transpose of the transform matrix, ignoring translation.

Unit Normal

Applies the forward transform matrix, ignoring translation.


Applies the forward transform matrix, ignoring translation.


Applies “regular” transformation, vector translates.

Remove Source VDBs

Removes the merged scalar VDBs from the output.

Copy Inactive Values

If enabled, merge the values of both active and inactive voxels. If disabled, merge the values of active voxels only, treating inactive voxels as active background voxels wherever corresponding input voxels have different active states.

See also

Geometry nodes