Houdini 20.5 Nodes Geometry nodes

Bone Capture Proximity geometry node

Supports Bone Deform by assigning capture weights to points based on distance to bones.

The closer the point is to the center line of the bones, the stronger the weight will be assigned.

The optional second input can be used to specify extra capture regions to process in addition to those in the Object hierarchy.

This operation does not visibly change the geometry (except to possibly add point colors for feedback). To actually change the geometry by animating the Capture Regions, append a Deform operation.

Typically one or more Capture Regions are placed in an object (usually via bones) and named “cregion”. The object is then read into a Proximity Capture through the object’s hierarchy. The object is then deformed using the Deform operation in conjunction with the output from this operation.

For its second input, it can either be an a set of Capture Region primitives or alternatively, a set of polygonal lines to be treated as a skeleton. If given a set of polygonal lines, then the input also requires a name string attribute as well as a matrix3 transform attribute to specify the capture pose. In the latter case, the Capture parameter options will be ignored.


When a .hip file is loaded, all of the associated capture regions are evaluated at the capture frame. Keyframes must be set to position the capture regions properly at the capture frame. Otherwise, the geometry will be weighted incorrectly upon subsequent file loads.



Optional point group on the skin geometry to capture.

Capture Group

When a second input is given, this specifies a point group of the attached capture regions to use for capturing.



Top of the object hierarchy traversed for the Capture Region operations.

Extra Regions

The list of paths to extra bone objects or capture regions to be used separated by spaces. This list is appended to what the Hierarchy parameter specifies.

Region SOP

Specifies the geometry in which to find the Capture Regions.

Traverse into subnets

If turned on, when traversing the hierarchy for capture regions, also traverse inside object subnets.

Create Relative Skeleton Root Path

If on, the internal cregion paths are generated with a skeleton path prefix that is relative to this sop. If off, then the prefix is determined by the longest common object path prefix out of all the capture region paths.

Use Capture Pose

If turned on, the capture parameters of bones and capture regions are used to capture points. This means that the arrangement of bones and the shapes of capture regions are capture frame independent. The capture pose can be viewed by choosing Edit ▸ Objects ▸ Bone Kinematic Override: Capture Pose from the menu.

Cook at

Specify when this node is allowed to cook.

Capture Frame

Frame number at which to compute the capture weighting. This frame will cook slower than other frames due to the weighting computation.


Weighting Method

Specifies whether capture regions captured by a point need to be connected by their objects.

Weight From

Weight from either the point location or surface location (for NURBS or Bezier surfaces).

Drop off

Specifies the strength of the capturing. Larger values will usually mean that more points are captured.

Max. Influences

Specifies the maximum number of capture regions that any point will be captured to.

Normalize Weights

Adjusts the capture weights so they add up to one for every point. This makes the paint tools easier to use. For backwards compatibility, this should be changed to off.

Destroy Existing Weights

Destroy any existing capture weights.

Blend Factor

If destroy existing weights is off, then this parameter determines the blend factor of the created capture weights with the existing ones.


Point Coloring

Adds point color attributes to show the weighting of the points. The color of each point will be a blend of the colors of its captured regions.

Zero Weight Point Color

Color used for points with zero weight.

Force Recapture

Forces the operation to recapture immediately.

See also

Geometry nodes