Houdini 20.5 Nodes Geometry nodes

Extract Centroid geometry node

Computes the centroid of each piece of the geometry.

Since 17.0

This SOP computes the centroid of each piece of the geometry, or the geometry as a whole. The default behavior is to create a point at the location of each centroid, but the centroid location can also be recorded as an attribute on the geometry.

This SOP can be useful for building constraint networks or converting geometry to a point-based representation.


Run Over

Specifies which elements of the geometry to compute the centroid for.


Compute the centroid of each primitive.


Compute the centroid for each unique value of the Piece Attribute.


Compute the centroid of the entire geometry.

Piece Attribute

The name of a string or integer attribute.

Piece Elements

Specifies whether the pieces consist of primitives or points.


Specifies how the centroid is computed.

Center of Mass

Computes the center of mass of the geometry in the same manner as the Bullet solver.

Bounding Box Center

Computes the center of the geometry’s bounding box.

Convex Hull Center

Computes the center of the points' convex hull. This is more expensive than the Bounding Box Center mode but can produce a more accurate result, particularly for point clouds where the points are not uniformly distributed.


Specifies whether to create a point at the center of each piece, or to record the centroid as an attribute on the geometry.

Centroid Attribute

Specifies the name of the attribute to create when Output is Attribute.

Transfer Attributes

Specifies a list of attributes to transfer from the Piece Elements to the generated points. This can also specify detail attributes to transfer to the generated geometry.

Transfer Groups

Specifies a list of groups to transfer from the Piece Elements to the generated points.

See also

Geometry nodes