Houdini 20.5 Nodes Geometry nodes

Labs Triplanar Displace geometry node

Displacing geometry based on a triplanar projection

Triplanar Displace will apply a displacement map onto your geometry using a projection from the three main axis. It will then displace your geometry based on the displacement amount specified in the texture. This is a very useful workflow for upressing geometry without making UVs.




Specifies the displacement texture used during the projection. This is typically a greyscale texture.


An optional color map that matches the displacement map.

Texture Scale

The scale of the texture used for the projection. A lower value means less tiling (zoom in), while a higher value means more tiling.

Displacement Amount

A scalar on the displacement value read in the displacement texture specified.

Axis Blend

Controls the strength of the displacement on the seams of the projection. A higher value means more blending, and therefore less seams. Setting this value too high will make the seams too flat.


Axis Offset

Allows for offsetting the UV position sampled for the displacement texture.

Displace Y

Enables or Disables displacement on the Y axis.

Smooth Normals

Enabling this will calculate smooth normals, to be used as the direction of displacement.

Mirror X Axis

Enabling this will produce identical results on the opposing X axis sides.

Mirror Z Axis

Enabling this will produce identical results on the opposing Z axis sides.

Noise Projection Offset

Use Noise Projection Offset

Enabling this will distort the projection sample based on noise before displacing. This helps getting rid of any obvious tiling artifacts, and produce a more organic look.

Displacement Scale Attribute

Use Displacement Scale Attribute

Enabling this will scale the sampled displacement amount based on noise before displacing. This helps getting rid of any obvious tiling artifacts, and produce a more organic look.

Geometry nodes