Houdini 20.5 Nodes Geometry nodes

Pack Folder geometry node

Packs inputs into a folder structure.

On this page
Since 20.0

This node packs each of its unordered inputs and organizes them in a folder structure. It can either create a new folder structure, or pack into an existing structure given by the first input.

See the packed character format for more information.


Parent Folder

The path to the folder that inputs are added to. If this path does not exist, it will be created.

Replace Method

Specifies how to handle new data that have the same name as existing data in the folder structure.

Add and Replace

New items are added, and existing items are replaced.

Add and Keep Existing

New items are added, and existing items are kept the same.


New items are not added, and existing items are replaced.

Pack Output

When turned on, the inputs are packed. When turned off, merges the inputs into a single stream of geometry, and sets the names of all the primitives within each input.


Inputs consisting of multiple packed primitives are packed into a single item by the Pack Folder SOP. These inputs can be the result of a Merge SOP (with packed primitives as inputs) or a Merge Packed SOP.

Only Pack Unpacked

When turned on, inputs that consist of a single packed primitive are copied directly to the output instead of adding an extra level of packing.

Inputs consisting of multiple packed primitives are not affected by this parameter.

Ignore Empty Inputs

When turned on, skips any empty inputs instead of outputting packed primitives for them. Empty inputs have no geometry.

Reload Names

Sets the Name and Type parameters to the name and extension of the node that each input is connected to.


The name of the input that is added to the folder structure.

The action button beside the Name parameter has the Names From Input option, which when selected, fills in the Name parameter with the identifier __INPUT__. This specifies that the name attribute of the input is used when adding data to the folder structure.


The Name From Input option can only be used if the input has a name attribute. You can set the name attribute of the input geometry using a Name SOP or Merge Packed SOP. If no name attribute exists, the input is not added to the folder structure.


The extension of the input to add to the folder structure. If no extension is specified, no extension is added to the packed data, and it will be treated as a folder.

The action button beside the parameter gives a list of built-in extensions to choose from. If Types From Input is selected, Type will be populated with the identifier __INPUT__. This specifies that the extension in the name attribute of the input is used.

Inputs with extensions .char and .ctrl are added to the folder structure as folders, whereas all other built-in extensions are added as elements.

The Visible / Not Visible button turns the display of the input on or off in the viewport.

If you are specifying a custom extension, an icon menu appears beside the action button, which gives the option of adding the input as a folder or element. If the Add as Folder option is selected, the packed primitive’s treatasfolder primitive intrinsic is set to 1. If the Add as Element option is selected, the packed primitive’s treatasfolder primitive intrinsic is set to 0.


Target Folder Structure

The folder structure to be modified. Can be left empty to create a new folder structure.

Source Inputs

Source geometry to update the folder structure with.



The updated folder structure.

See also

Geometry nodes