Houdini 20.5 Nodes Geometry nodes

RBD Find Instances 1.0 geometry node

Find instances of the same geometry pieces and replace them with packed geometry instances.

Since 20.0

This SOP analyzes either the geometry or the proxy geometry to find named pieces with matching topology. The identified named prototypes are used by both geometry and proxy geometry streams and instanced accordingly.




Do the comparison using the high-resolution geometry pieces.

Proxy Geometry

Do the comparison using the proxy geometry pieces.

Cache Comparison

Enable caching the comparison process.

Reference Frame

When Cache Comparison is turned on, specify the frame at which the analysis should be performed. You can do the analysis on a static frame and if your geometry is moving, it will extract the locations and copy those prototypes on to the moving points.

Show Copies


Do nothing.

Color Copies

Adds the specified color to the instances to identify them more easily.

Color per Prototype

Add a random color per prototype and their instances.


The instance color when Show Copies is set to Color Copies.


Sort by Area

Sort by Area

In order to successfully re-orient pieces before comparing their various attributes, it can be helpful to sort the primitives by area.

Scale Method

Match by Scale

Only pieces with matching volume given a user tolerance will be compared.

Allow Uniform Scaling

Resizes the various pieces uniformly after alignment to fit within a unit cube in order to compare pieces with matching volume, given a user tolerance.

Allow Non-Uniform Scaling

All pieces with matching primitive and point counts will be compared. Valid candidates will be transformed non-uniformly in order to match potential prototypes before comparing attribute values.

Max Pre-Pass Iterations

When Scale Method is set to Allow Non-Uniform Scaling all pieces with matching primitive and point count will be compared against one another. Running more pre-pass iterations can speed this considerably. However, since the pre-pass comparisons are sequential, in certain cases this can be a little slower than running all the comparisons in parallel. The pre-pass comparisons will exit as soon as all prototypes have been found, otherwise it’ll run all comparisons on the remaining geometry.

Re Orient

When Scale Method is set to Allow Uniform Scaling, orients pieces using their oriented bounding box beforehand. This can help avoiding false positives.

Volume Tolerance

Pieces with a volume that match within the specified tolerance will be compared to one another.

Compare Attributes

Point Attributes

Specify the point attributes to compare.

Vertex Attributes

Specify the vertex attributes to compare.

Prim Attributes

Specify the primitive attributes to compare.


See also

Geometry nodes