Houdini 20.5 Nodes Geometry nodes

Extract T-Pose geometry node

Extracts the t-pose position from the input bone, muscle, or tissue geometry.

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Since 19.0


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This node extracts the rest position or t-pose from all the points on the geometry (input 1) and then stores that information using the tpose attribute.

This node also moves the input geometry back to its t-pose position so that downstream Muscle & Tissue system solver nodes can properly compute constraint distances.




Stores the rest position information for the bones and muscles in the Muscle & Tissue system.



Preset to Extract Rest. Retrieves the rest position from the input geometry and updates the position and transform information saved to the tpose attribute. This parameter option also moves the input geometry back to its t-pose.

By default, the rest position and transform data is taken from frame 1 of the input geometry’s animation. If you want to take this information from a different frame, please use a Retime SOP node.

Rest Attrib

Specifies the name for the rest attribute used by the Muscle & Tissue system. By default, the name of this rest attribute is tpose.


The other Rest Position SOP parameters that are listed are not used by the Extract T-Pose SOP node.


  • Only input 1 is used by the Extract T-Pose SOP node.

  • Input 1 - Animated geometry. This should be the geometry you want to constrain. For example, like the animated bones.


Output 1

tpose static rest pose for the input animated geometry. This will be the position in world space or the pose you want your geometry to be in when you establish its constraints.

See also

Geometry nodes