Houdini 20.5 Nodes Geometry nodes

Labs Procedural Smoke geometry node

The procedural smoke SOP will generate an animated volume to represent smoke.

The purpose of this node is to quickly generate rolling smoke that can be used as a background element or texture sheet in a game. Instead of simulating the smoke, the tool creates points with animated noise values on them. These points are rasterized into a volume and a second layer of noise is used to created finer detail.



Size of the bounding box along the xyz axes.


Position of centre of bounding box.

Point Separation

The smallest distance between any two of the generated points in the initial configuration.

Density Boost

Multiply the final output of the volume.


To block out movement quickly turn this on to see the points instead of the volume.

Base Noise

Base Noise 1

Pulse Duration

Time rate of change of the noise pattern is inversely proportional to Pulse Duration.

Element Size

Controls base feature size of the generated noise.

Element Scale

Feature size along each axis is governed by the product of Element Size with the applicable component of this parameter.

Horizontal Speed

How quickly the noise is offset along the x axis.

Vertical Speed

Only available when Oscillate is turned off. How quickly the noise is offset along the y axis.


When turned on, the noise will move up and down with a sin function.


The amplitude of the sin function when oscilatting.


How quickly the noise will oscillate.

Base Noise 2

Pulse Duration

Time rate of change of the noise pattern is inversely proportional to Pulse Duration.

Element Size

Controls base feature size of the generated noise.

Element Scale

Feature size along each axis is governed by the product of Element Size with the applicable component of this parameter.

Horizontal Speed

How quickly the noise is offset along the x axis.

Vertical Speed

Only available when Oscillate is turned off. How quickly the noise is offset along the y axis.


When turned on, the noise will move up and down with a sin function.


The amplitude of the sin function when oscilatting.


How quickly the noise will oscillate.


Add Detail

Turning on Add Detal will multiply the base volume by a high frequency noise.

Noise Type

Different noise types to choose from.


Size of the noise pattern in xyz axes.


This sharpens or softens the edge of the noise.


The number of octaves of noise to layer.


The shape of the ramp is multiplied by the noise result.

Oscillate Amplitude

The amplitude of the sin function when oscilatting.

Oscillate Speed

How quickly the noise will oscillate.


Enable Falloff

Using a smoothstep function, this will fade out the volume towards the edges of the bounding box.


Ramp controlling the falloff along the x axis.


Ramp controlling the falloff along the y axis.


Ramp controlling the falloff along the z axis.

Geometry nodes