Houdini 20.5 Nodes Geometry nodes

Rewire Vertices geometry node

Rewires vertices to different points specified by an attribute.

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Since 16.0


This node rewires vertices from their current points to the points specified by the Target Point Attribute. The Fuse node can do rewiring based on the proximity of points alone, but Rewire allows for more custom rewiring. The Target Point Attribute can be constructed in a variety of ways, but the Attribute Wrangle node may be the most versatile.



The subset of geometry whose vertices should be rewired.

This can be a point, vertex, primitive, or edge group. If necessary, it will be expanded to a point, vertex, or primitive group, depending on the class of Target Point Attribute.

Group Type

The type of group that Group specifies.

If Guess from Group is specified and the group type is ambiguous, the guess is made that Group specifies a point group.

Target Point Attribute

This attribute specifies the points to which vertices should be rewired. If it is a point or primitive attribute, all vertices from a point/primitive will be rewired to the point given by the attribute. Invalid point numbers, such as -1, will result in no rewiring occurring.

Delete Target Point Attribute

Removes the Target Point Attribute after it is used.

Recursively Rewire Points

If the Target Point Attribute is a point attribute and this is enabled, points will be rewired such that sequences of rewirings will be followed to their completion, e.g. rewiring point 5 to point 3 and point 3 to point 6 will wire point 5 to point 6. If there are cycles, no points in the cycles will have their vertices rewired.

Keep Unused Points

By default, points that have vertices rewired away from them and end with no vertices will be deleted. Turn this on to keep those unused points.

Create Orig Point Attribute

When enabled, a vertex attribute containing the original point number of every vertex, including those that didn’t change, will be created with the specified name.

Orig Point Attribute

When enabled, a vertex attribute containing the original point number of every vertex, including those that didn’t change, will be created with the specified name.

See also

Geometry nodes