Houdini 20.5 Nodes Geometry nodes

Labs AV Depth Map 6.0 geometry node

Retrieves the depth value of each pixel from the cameras using Alicevision.

On this page

The objective of this step is to retrieve the depth value for each pixel in the images and cameras that had previously been resolved by Structure From Motion. This can take a very long time depending on the resolution and number of images provided.


Requires Meshroom/AliceVision version 2023.3.0. See https://alicevision.org/#meshroom for information on how to download.




Start the cooking process for this step.

Use Log

This toggle controls if the status of the current node should be printed to the console. This is useful for getting a quick overview of the progress.

Depth Map


Image downscale factor.

SGM: Num Neighbor Cameras

Semi Global Matching: Number of neighbour cameras.


Semi Global Matching: Half-size of the patch used to compute the similarity.

SGM: GammaC

Semi Global Matching: GammaC Threshold.

SGM: GammaP

Semi Global Matching: GammaP Threshold.

Refine: Num of Samples

Refine: Number of samples.

Refine: Num of Depths

Refine: Number of depths.

Refine: Num of Iterations

Refine: Number of iterations.

Refine: WSH

Refine: Half-size of the patch used to compute the similarity.

Refine: Num Neighbor Cameras

Refine: Number of neighbour cameras.

Refine: Sigma

Refine: Sigma Threshold.

Refine: GammaC

Refine: GammaC Threshold.

Refine: GammaP

Refine: GammaP threshold.

Refine: Tc or Rc Pixel Size

Refine: Use minimum pixel size of neighbour cameras (Tc) or current camera pixel size (Rc).

Min View Angle

Minimum angle between two views.

Max View Angle

Maximum angle between two views.

Number of GPUs

Number of GPUs to use (0 means use all available GPUs).

Depth Map Filter

Number of Nearest Cameras

Number of nearest cameras used for filtering.

Min Consistent Cameras

Min Number of Consistent Cameras.

Min Consistent Cameras Bad Similarity

Min Number of Consistent Cameras for pixels with weak similarity value.

Filtering Size in Pixels

Filtering size in pixels.

Filtering Size in Pixels Bad Similarity

Filtering size in pixels.

Min View Angle

Minimum angle between two views.

Max View Angle

Maximum angle between two views.

Compute normal maps per depth map

Compute normal maps per depth map.



The environment used for launching the AliceVision utilities command line. Note that this is a python expression and should be modified only through “Edit Expression”.


Geometry nodes