Houdini 20.5 Nodes Geometry nodes

Labs AV Texturing 6.0 geometry node

Texture the generated mesh using Alicevision.

On this page

The objective of this step is to texture the generated mesh. The output of this node is a high-poly mesh with very basic UVs and textures. It is highly recommended to reproject the textures on a mesh with custom UVs. (For example using the Games Baker or Simple Baker)


Requires Meshroom/AliceVision version 2023.3.0. See https://alicevision.org/#meshroom for information on how to download.


The node allows you to provide a custom mesh to be textured in the second input. For example use the quad remesher to remesh the dense geometry produced by the meshing step and UV it using any of the UV tools. This generally produces better results than letting AV UV the geometry.




Start the cooking process for this step.

Use Log

This toggle controls if the status of the current node should be printed to the console. This is useful for getting a quick overview of the progress.


Texture Side

Output texture size.

Texture Downscale

Texture downscale factor.

Texture File Type

Texture File Type.

Unwrap Method

Method to unwrap input mesh if it does not have UV coordinates. ' Basic (> 600k faces) fast and simple. Can generate multiple atlases.

' LSCM ( ≤ 600k faces): optimize space. Generates one atlas.

' ABF ( ≤ 300k faces): optimize space and stretch. Generates one atlas.

Fill Holes

Fill Texture holes with plausible values.

Flip Normals

Option to flip face normals. It can be needed as it depends on the vertices order in triangles and the convention change from one software to another.


Use UDIM UV mapping.


Texture edge padding size in pixels.

Best Score Threshold

(0.0 to disable filtering based on threshold to relative best score).

Angle Hard Threshold

(0.0 to disable angle hard threshold filtering)/

Force Visible By All Vertices

Triangle visibility is based on the union of vertices visibility.

Visibility Remapping Method

Method to remap visibilities from the reconstruction to the input mesh (Pull, Push, PullPush).

Use Custom Images for Texturing

Use images from a specific folder instead of those specify in the SfMData file. Filename should be the image uid.

Custom Texturing Images

Use images from a specific folder instead of those specify in the SfMData file. Filename should be the image uid.

Correct Exposure

Uniformize images exposure values.

Use Score

Use triangles scores for multiband blending.

Process Colorspace

Colorspace for the texturing internal computation (does not impact the output file colorspace).

Multi Band Downscale

Width of frequency bands for multiband blending.



The environment used for launching the AliceVision utilities command line. Note that this is a python expression and should be modified only through “Edit Expression”.


Custom Mesh

Optionally provide a custom mesh to be textured in the second input. For example use the quad remesher to remesh the dense geometry produced by the meshing step and UV it using any of the UV tools. This generally produces better results than letting AV UV the geometry.


Geometry nodes