Houdini 20.5 Nodes Geometry nodes

Labs Volume Adjust Look 1.0 geometry node

Adjusts volume visualization mode (default / normals / motion vectors), density, colors (including greyscale colors), emission, and viewport rendering quality.

This node can convert volumes to greyscale, normal visualization mode, or motion vector visualization mode. It can also adjust volume density, diffuse color, emission color, shadow, and viewport rendering quality (which has an effect on certain banding artifacts).


Compared to Volume Visualization SOP and Pyro Bake Volume SOP, this node offers similar but simpler controls. What those two nodes do not offer are greyscale conversion, normal / motion vector visualization modes, per-component color scaling, and viewport rendering quality adjustments.


This node replaces Labs Volume Detail Attributes SOP, which will be removed in Houdini 20.



The overall visualization mode.

Adjust Colors: Default visualization mode.

Visualize Normals: Normal visualization mode, affected by density. Sets the detail attribute volvis_normals to 1.

Visualize Motion Vectors: Motion vector visualization mode, affected by density and emission. Sets the detail attribute volvis_motionvec to 1.

Convert to Greyscale

How to convert the diffuse and emissive colors to greyscale. The relative luminance coefficients reflects the spectral weighting for human vision. The Rec.709 standard is newer than the the Rec.601 standard, but both are still widely used. Their differences are rather complicated. You can default to Rec.709 unless you know what standard you should use.

Do Not Convert: Does not perform conversion.

Using Rec.709 Relative Luminance Coefficients: Performs conversion using the Rec.709 relative luminance coefficients (Y = 0.2126 R + 0.7152 G + 0.0722 B).

Using Rec.601 Relative Luminance Coefficients: Performs conversion using the Rec.601 relative luminance coefficients (Y = 0.299 R + 0.587 G + 0.114 B).

Using Custom RGB Weighted Sum: Performs conversion using custom RGB weights. The weights will be used as they are and will not be normalized. The default weights are the same as the Rec.709 coefficients.

R Weight

How much the red value contributes to the greyscale value.

G Weight

How much the green value contributes to the greyscale value.

B Weight

How much the blue value contributes to the greyscale value.

Density Multiplier

Adjusts the smoke density. The density volume is multiplied by this value.

Shadow Multiplier

Adjusts the shadow intensity. The detail attribute volvis_shadowscale is multiplied by this value.

Diffuse Color Multiplier

Adjusts the smoke color. The primitive attribute Cd, the Cd volume, and the detail attribute volvis_cdramp are multiplied by this value.

Diffuse Scale Multiplier

Adjusts the overall smoke color intensity. Diffuse Color Multiplier is internally multiplied again by this value.

Emit Color Multiplier

Adjusts the emission color. The scatter volume, the Ce volume, and the detail attribute volvis_emitcdramp are multiplied by this value.

Emit Scale Multiplier

Adjusts the overall emission intensity. The detail attribute volvis_emitscale is multiplied by this value.

Adjust Emission Intensity Volume Binding

Adjusts the volume used to scale emission intensity.

Intensity Volume

The volume used to scale emission intensity. This sets the detail attribute volvis_emitfield.

Source Range

The min and max values of the intensity volume. When the intensity volume is used to scale the emission intensity, it is clamped to this range first.

The default values are the min and max values of the input intensity volume, so if Intensity Volume is different from the input detail attribute volvis_emitfield, consider adjusting this range accordingly as the new intensity volume may have a different source range.

Adjust Viewport Volume Quality

Adjusts the viewport volume quality (specifically, the ambient occlusion quality). You can improve the AO quality to reduce certain horizontal banding artifacts.

AO Texture Size

The size of the texture for rendering the volume in viewport. Higher values mean better quality, slower rendering, and higher memory consumption.

AO Sampling Step Size

The step size for sampling the volume in viewport. Lower values mean better quality and slower rendering.

Volume Names

Density Volume

The node will treat this volume as the density volume. Right-click > Unlock Parameter to override this.

Diffuse Color Volume

The node will treat this volume as the Cd volume. Right-click > Unlock Parameter to override this.

Scatter Volume

The node will treat this volume as the scatter volume. Right-click > Unlock Parameter to override this.

Emission Color Volume

The node will treat this volume as the Ce volume. Right-click > Unlock Parameter to override this.

Geometry nodes