Houdini 20.5 Nodes Geometry nodes

Rig Stash Pose geometry node

Stores a static pose on a skeleton as a matrix point attribute.

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Since 18.5

This node allows you to store a pose to either a static or animated input skeleton as a point attribute for use downstream. You can optionally connect the second input to set this pose.





Stores the pose to the point attribute specified by Attribute Name.


Finds the point attribute specified by Attribute Name and applies this as the current pose on the left-hand input.

Attribute Name

The name of the point attribute that stores the transformations.

Clear Existing Attribute

When turned on, clears the existing point attribute before storing the transformations.


Specifies the initial source for the pose. For example, if an imported mocap animation has a T-pose on the first frame, using the Time Shift option with Frame set to 1 would be a simple way to set the pose. The Stash option is destructive, but provides an immediate way of grabbing the current pose on the first input.

Time Shift

Sets the initial pose to the one found at the frame specified.

Stash SOP

Sets the initial pose to the current pose on the first input.

Match By Attribute

When the second input is connected, matches the points by a given attribute, allowing you to store the pose using a skeleton that may be topologically different to the one found on the first input.

Attribute to Match

When Match By Attribute is turned on, this is the attribute to use for matching points between the first and second inputs.

Frame Source

Reads the frame from the clipinfo detail attribute on the input geometry or sets a custom value.


When Method is set to Time Shift, and Frame Source is set to Custom Frame, this is the frame that is stored.

Stash Input

When Method is set to Stash SOP, this button stashes the input topology at the current frame.

Guide Color

The color of the guide geometry displayed in the viewport.

Post Edit Pose


This multiparm stores any adjustments made to the pose in the viewport.


The point group that this multiparm instance is applied to.


Specifies how the transformation described by this multiparm instance is applied to the input.


The transformation is applied on top of the input pose. This is analogous to treating any input local transformations as an object node’s pre-transform.


The transformation is applied in between the input point’s parent transform and its local transform. This is analogous to modifying the pre-transform of an object node. This mode is especially useful if you want to reproportion an animated input using simple translations without compromising any input motion, effectively moving the pivot for the point’s animation.


The transformation completely overwrites any input local transforms on the points. This is useful if you want to 'zero out' any input animation, or if you are working with the Bake options on the Rig Pose SOP.

From Rest Pose

The transformation behaves like Pre-Multiply, but any input animation is replaced by the pose specified in the Rest Pose Attribute parameter. This is useful if you want to revert a point’s transform to a 'rest pose' rather than zero out the local transform as in the Override option.

Transform Order

The left menu specifies the order in which the transforms are applied (for example, scale, then rotate, then translate). This can change the position and orientation of the object in the same way that going a block and turning east takes you to a different place than turning east and then going a block.

The right menu specifies the order to rotate around the X, Y, and Z axes. Depending on the character, certain rotation orders can make character joint transforms easier to use.


Translation along the X, Y, and Z axes.


Degrees rotation about the X, Y, and Z axes.


Non-uniform scaling about the X, Y, and Z axes.


Pivot Translate

The pivot translation along the X, Y, and Z axes.

Pivot Rotate

The pivot rotation about the X, Y, and Z axes.



The skeleton on which to store the pose.

Pose Source (Optional)

If connected, the pose on the second input is written to the specified attribute on the first input.



The Skeleton input with the pose stored to the specified attribute.

Stashed Pose

The skeleton with the stashed pose applied.

See also

Geometry nodes