Houdini 20.5 Nodes Geometry nodes

Smooth 2.0 geometry node

Smooths out (or “relaxes”) polygons, meshes and curves without increasing the number of points.

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Since 16.0

This node rearranges the existing points in the geometry to reduce roughness.

Smooth can also smooth any floating-point attributes, including color and texture coordinates.

Using Smooth

  1. Select the points, facets, or object you want to smooth.

  2. Click the Smooth tool on the Polygon tab.

You can change the smoothing specifications in the parameter editor.


If you want to smooth certain areas of your object interactively, use the sculpt tool.



Subset of primitives to smooth.

Constrained Boundary

Lets you specify that the boundaries of the selection (the Group field) or the surface should not move.


No points are locked in place. Any point in the selection may move.

Unshared Edges

Boundary edges are locked in place. Smoothing will not affect them.

Group Boundary

Boundary edges and the outside edges of the selection are locked in place. Smoothing will not affect them.

Constrained Points

A list of points to lock in place, so smoothing will not affect them. You can click the Select button to the right of the field and select the vertices interactively in the viewport.


The attributes to smooth. Multiple attributes can be smoothed at the same time. The drop-down menu to the right of the field has the most common attributes to smooth, P (point position) and uv (texture coordinates). If the field is blank, the node smooths all position-type attributes.

Use Weight Attribute

Use a weight attribute to control smoothing strength per point.

Weight Attribute

A scalar float attribute to control how much each point or vertex is smoothed. The attribute must be stored on points.

Values may range up to infinity. This is not a normalized mask in the [0,1] range.


Lets you choose different smoothing models that have different effects on the point positions.


Move points so they're evenly spaced.


Move points trying to maintain their original relative distances from one another.


Move points to smooth the curvature while trying to maintain their original arrangement.


How much to smooth the selected points. Higher values move the points farther from their original positions.

Filter Quality

Higher values preserve finer details from the original mesh. Lower values are faster and smooth more.

A lower number of passes is more efficient for producing significant smoothing on larger meshes.

Recompute Affected Normals

Recomputes any point (or vertex) normals that are affected by the smoothing operation. This option has no effect if the normal attribute (N) is smoothed, if point position (P) is not smoothed, or if the input geometry does not have a normal attribute.


Hills Example for Smooth geometry node

The Smooth SOP is used to refine the distance between a number of points into more uniform values.

The process evens out minor variances in the points defining the curve, while still maintaining the value trends of the larger, overall curve.

See also

Geometry nodes