Houdini 20.0 Nodes Geometry nodes

Labs Color Adjustment geometry node

Several Common Adjustment Operations on Vertex Colors

This node type is hidden. It is no longer supported.

This node lets you adjust the vertex colors on your models using industry standard operations that are usually done on colors.

Really handy if you need to gamma correct vertex colors, desaturate them, or possibly modulate or enhance the output of another node, like the Calculate Occlusion node.



Limit the operation to a specific group

Group Type

Specify if the group is a Vertex, Edge, Point or Primitive group.

Custom Attribute Name

If the attribute to be modified is different than Cd, override it here.


Inverts the operation after all others operations are done (except Gamma)


Modify the Brightness of the Vertex Colors by adding or removing this much value


Increases the Contrast of the vertex colors by using the formula (Cd - .5 ) * contrast + .5


Shift the colors towards grayscale or oversature the vertex colors


Exponential (Pow) function on the colors


Limit the values of the vertex colors

Geometry nodes