Houdini 20.5 Nodes Geometry nodes

Cloud Noise geometry node

Applies a cloud like noise to a Fog volume.

Since 12.5

This will add a noise pattern to a volume field in order to create a cloud like appearance. Various noise shaping options are available as well as masking controls.



Spatial Scale

This sets the spatial scale used by the scene. It will be modified by the Unit Length specified in the Houdini preferences on node creation. For default Houdini units of 1m, this will be set to 1. If working in centimeters, this will be set to 100. It can be further modified if needed.


Amplitude of the noise.


Different noise types to choose from.


Number of noise iterations to be used. This controls the amount of detail in the noise.

Element Size

The size of the noise pattern.

Element Scale

Per-axis scaling of the noise pattern.


Noise offset.


This sharpens or softens the edges of the noise.

Smooth Valleys

This will clear the noise from the low value areas.

Abs Noise

When on this will create absolute noise where each iteration is always positive in value. Turning it off will results in positive and negative values.

Up Vector Falloff

When enabled the noise will decrease based on the surface normal direction and the up vector.

Up Vector

User specified up vector for noise falloff.

Up Vector Bias

How quickly the noise decreases based on the up vector.


Advect Noise

Additional noise offset to the main noise to create finer details.


Amount of offset to the main noise.

Element Size

The size of the noise pattern.

Element Scale

Per-axis scaling of the noise pattern.:


Position offset of the secondary noise.


This sharpens or softens the edges of the secondary noise.


Animates the advect noise based on this parameter.

Noise Mask

Noise Mask

When on this will use a point attribute specified to control the overall noise effect.

Mask Multiplier

Overall multiplier of the masking attribute.

Noise Attribute

Name of the attribute to be used for masking.

Point Cloud Radius

The maximum radius around P that should be searched. If you know that all query points will reside within a given radius, you can speed up the search by specifying the radius here.

Point Cloud Points

The maximum number of points that will be used.

See also

Geometry nodes