Houdini 20.5 Nodes Geometry nodes

Labs Biome Plant Define (Alpha) 1.0 geometry node

Defines the plant attributes for the Biome Toolset.

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Since 20.5

This node creates the dictionary attribute plant_definition used in the rest of the Biome Toolset. It is used to define all the preferences of an individual plant species including Temperature, Precipitation, and Spacing. The Species Variants tab is where different growth stages or variations of meshes are defined alongside dead version meshes. This tab is also where the ranges of random variation per variant are defined. Multiple of these nodes can be chained together to define a full library of plants. The Biome Plant Definitions File SOP can take a chain of these nodes as input to help read and write the plant library from a .json or .bgeo file. The first input of the Biome Plant Scatter SOP expects a chain of Biome Plant Define SOP nodes or the output of the Biome Plant Definitions File SOP set to create geometry.


Species Settings

Species ID


Name of the plant.


Color to apply on the plant’s visualizer.



Lowest temperature (in °C) that the plant can endure.


Preferred temperature (in °C) of the plant.


Highest temperature (in °C) that the plant can endure.



Lowest average annual precipitation (in mm) that the plant can endure.


Preferred average annual precipitation (in mm) of the plant.


Highest average annual precipitation (in mm) that the plant can endure.



Select the plant’s type. If a plant’s type is Shrub, it will be permitted to spawn beneath nearby plants with a plant type of Tree. In this case, the nearby Tree spacing Radii are ignored by Shrubs.

Bounds Radius

Minimum radius needed for this plant to grow.

Trunk Radius

Shrubs may not spawn within this radius.


The density of the plant when its viability is at its highest.


Randomize Scale

Plants are scaled by viability. If this Randomize Scale is enabled, the plants will instead scale randomly following the Scale Range.


Plants' ability to endure difficult conditions. Higher values extend the ideal growth conditions to its higher and lower tolerance levels.

Normal from Terrain

Ratio of alignment to match the terrain. Plants with values of 1 will follow the terrain surface, and values of 0 will be aligned to the up vector.

Species Variants

Include Engine Asset Paths

Enable the Asset Path references. This is useful if you are importing the point scatter into a game engine.

Number Of Variants

Mesh Variant #

A path to the healthy plant geometry.

Mesh (Dead) Variant #

A path to the dead plant geometry.


Weight of the mesh distribution. If there are multiple variants with the same Age Range, Weight will prioritize which variant is scattered. A mesh variant with a higher weight will have a greater probability of being spawned.

Normalized Age Range

The age range when the mesh variant is spawned. 0 is the youngest and 1 is the oldest. For example, a sapling mesh variant might appear for the first third of a tree’s lifespan and have an age range of 0 to .33, while a medium version of the tree could appear between the ages of .33 and .66, and a large, mature tree could appear between .66 and 1.

Scale Range

Range in which the uniform scale can jitter.

Dead Ratio

The ratio of Mesh (Dead) Variant meshes to Mesh Variant meshes.

Unreal Engine

Asset Path #

The path to the healthy plant mesh in the engine. To get the correct path from Unreal Engine, right click on an asset and use Copy reference. Unreal Paths will look like this: /Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/Models/MyAsset.MyAsset'

Asset (Dead) Path #

The path to the dead plant mesh in the engine. To get the correct path from Unreal Engine, right click on an asset and use Copy reference. Unreal Paths will look like this: /Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/Models/MyAsset.MyAsset'


See also

Geometry nodes